I like living in a house because I don 'thave to climb stairs.
Smaller apartment houses have no elevators, and so people must climb stairs.
AS we get old, we find it more and more difficult to see, to hear, to walk, to bend down, and to climb stairs.
Apart from giving users the ability to walk, stand and climb stairs, the device has another important impact-on their dignity.
About the last two years, I have noticed when I climb stairs my heart beats faster and I have to stop and catch my breath.
About the last two years, I have noticed when I climb stairs my hears beats faster and I have to stop and catch my breath.
So I park on the far end of the car park, climb stairs instead of waiting for a lift and walk to the store to buy my newspaper.
Precondition : Ella is 1 year and 17 days old. She can crawl on four, climb stairs, cruise. She is ready to prepare for her first step.
Back House was built in 1993 per owners, 4 Bedrooms and 3.75 Bath, One Master Suite downstairs great for elderly members not to climb stairs.
One prominent study found that immediate ice therapy "resulted in earlier return to activity, as defined by ability to walk, climb stairs, run and jump without pain."
They had to be small enough for people on the top floors to climb stairs. People could not be expected to climb a mountain at the end of their journey to work, or home.
Yet, the suit, which was developed for the U. S. Army, is also agile and graceful enough to let its wearer kick a soccer ball, punch a speed bag or climb stairs and ramps with ease.
But people do not have the exercise habits, for example, you can climb stairs, washing your car and do housework. All these activities can make both your feet and body move and remain active.
Whether it is to go home or go to work, climb the stairs instead of taking the lift.
The place was crowded and we had to climb steep stairs to find an empty table.
Photographer, I'm going to climb the stairs.
This is the house with toilets I spent hours kneeling in front of and stairs I sometimes could barely climb.
He knows that he could climb the stairs without stumbling once.
Before the race she was overweight, out of shape and could barely climb a flight of stairs without losing her breath.
Climb the stairs instead of using elevators.
After negotiating a security guard snoozing on a plastic chair, you climb some grotty stairs past a placard begging, "Choose RBS business banking for your leather business."
Perhaps the cleverest option is to get into the building, climb up one story, then destroy the stairs leading down to the ground floor so no one can escape.
We walk through darkness, up the stairs. Heisn't moving very fast, so I climb slowly with him.
Angkor Wat Tower's stairs are steep to climb.
After my meal I wash the dishes and climb the stairs. In a hallway closet I find blankets and sheets.
After my meal I wash the dishes and climb the stairs. In a hallway closet I find blankets and sheets.