Data shows us the ladder to success gets harder for women to climb the further up they go.
Functional language constructs such as higher-order and first-class functions allow me to climb one more rung up the abstraction ladder and focus more on what the code does rather than how it does it.
函数语言结构,如高阶和一级函数,能让我对抽象的理解更进一步,让我更多地将精力放在代码能做什么而不是怎么做 上。
I don't have a ladder, but when the snowdrift is big enough, I can climb up and wash my Windows without one!
Demography makes it harder for people who start at the bottom of the ladder to climb up it.
So we said the person starts at the bottom of the ladder and we ask this person to gradually climb up.
Are you determined to maintain a certain social class or climb a rung up the ladder because you'll feel less successful in your parents' eyes if you don't?
Even if the shift is confined to America's riskiest mortgages (and there is little evidence yet of tighter lending standards spreading), its effects may climb up the housing ladder.
Climbing Up Ladders: A creature in a ladder square can spend 2 squares of its movement to climb up the ladder.
Study and research is like climbing a ladder to climb step by step, to a foot up four or five steps, the ground's day, that must be wrestling.
'you can bring the straw up to me in armfuls, if you aren't afraid to climb the ladder in the dark,' said Gabriel.
We climb a ladder and each time we get up to another rung we forget about the rungs below.
I wanted to climb higher up the ladder, but my legs wanted to take me down all the time.
Through a series of purification allied to knowledge of inner and outer universal structure, one must to climb up the ladder which leads to Initiation.
Meanwhile, a demoted Jack tangles yet again with Nemesis Devin Banks (Will Arnett) as he tries to climb back up the corporate ladder at 30 Rock.
See grandpa moved to a long ladder, beside the door (frame), and then carefully took out a? Dogwood grass, worship worship days, union, and then slowly climb up the ladder.
I'm very ambitious and want to climb up the career ladder as fast as possible.
From the time China re-entered the Olympic competition, winning a solitary gold at the 1984 Los Angeles Games, the climb up the medal ladder has been unstoppable.
Although the climb up the corporate ladder seems to be going slowly for women, corporate America would benefit from having more women in senior management positions.
Some female students help to hold the ladder, but the male students climb up the ladder to pick the apple.
You can climb a ladder up to the sun or a write a song nobody has sung or do something that's never been done music Are you lost or incomplete?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun or a write a song nobody has sung or do something that's never been done music Are you lost or incomplete?