He was horrified to find, when free-climbing in France, that holds had been chiselled in the rock face and stone-like grips glued on.
He was horrified to find, when free-climbing in France, that holds had been chiselled in the rock face and stone-like grips glued on.
Frisolo Friction - a style of climbing that involves few positive holds and relies on balance, footwork and weight over the feet for grip on the rock face.
Work with climbing partners on a specific route that's relatively easy and has lots of big holds.
Free Climbing: Moving up a rock using only hands, feet, and natural holds. Ropes and pro are only used for protection of the climber and not for progression.
Free Climbing: Moving up a rock using only hands, feet, and natural holds. Ropes and pro are only used for protection of the climber and not for progression.