Rogers is reputed to have been a very gifted clinician.
As a clinician, Mukherjee is only guardedly optimistic.
International Diabetes: What would motivate a clinician to wait in these instances?
One of my colleagues, a respected clinician, evaluated a patient for a specific problem.
The author of Addiction: A Disorder of Choice is a behavioral psychologist, not a clinician.
It is up to the astute clinician to evaluate these changes and to relate them to occupational exposure.
Zhang Shanlei, a modern famous philologist, educationist and clinician, took high reputation in TCM circle.
Sign off for discharge by a clinician, or in any of the secondary outcomes or the number of adverse events.
a Medical Research Council clinician scientist at the University of Cambridge in England, and his colleagues.
According to Maden, the chief clinician at Tony's unit, it wouldn't exist without Hare's psychopath check-list.
Sharing the experience of my personal growth and growth as a clinician is another opportunity to accomplish this.
Then somebody mentioned that there was a clinician in Boston named Judah Folkman who sometimes hired 'unusual' people.
然后有人提到了一为在波士顿的叫Judah Folkman的临床医生有时会招一些“不寻常”的人。
Today there are many more groups, including the Online Therapy Institute, a reputable think tank for clinician avatars.
Hepatology Digest: What imaging markers must clinician pay attention to when they are trying to diagnose HCC early?
Results: Analysis and suggestion of pharmacists were supplied for the clinician to handle pregnant incidents correctly.
This then gives the clinician the problem of working out as soon as possible which type of bleeding the patient has got.
The clinician also will ask about your present life — your job, your relationships, your driving record and your finances.
Similarly the desktop needs of a health care clinician are different from those of a health care payor or nursing assistant.
They come to see the clinician with all this negative experience, not expecting to receive anything that will work for them.
An experienced clinician will typically schedule a two - to three-hour interview in one long visit, or two or three shorter ones.
Recurrent bacterial meningitis is a rare phenomenon and generally poses a considerable diagnostic challenge to the clinician.
However, a clinician should not assume homogeneity beneath the blanket of "culture," he said. "Make it specific to where you live."
Patients can complete a symptom diary, which is very helpful to the clinician in determining the need for additional evaluation.
Pelvic fractures are common in polytrauma and continue to pose dif?cult management dilemmas for even the most experienced clinician.
This checklist is useful because a clinician can administer it anywhere and it assigns an easily understood score to a patient’s condition.
Many emergencies require ophthalmology consultation but key steps may be started by the initial clinician to help prevent significant morbidity.
You, the clinician, must be willing to listen to and validate these feelings, and not let your own feelings prevent you from exploring painful areas.
The appropriateness of these recommendations for a specific patient may vary depending on these factors and will be best judged by the bedside clinician.
The appropriateness of these recommendations for a specific patient may vary depending on these factors and will be best judged by the bedside clinician.