No alarm clock can rudely awake me out of a good night's sleep as I get up naturally.
After that, he took out a tool box and connected his tape player with the new tape to his alarm clock.
We've held on to this workday structure—but thanks to our digital devices, many employees never really clock out.
As the alarm clock rang out again, Miranda knew she had to get up.
On a usual day, Miranda jumped out of bed even before the alarm clock could ring.
From the hall the clock calling out the quarter hour, then a moment of stillness - time stalling - before, faintly, the clock in her study responded.
Fifty years ago inquisitive children could take apart a clock, radio set or motorbike, figure out how it worked, and even put it together again.
Staff work at the council to a "flexitime system" which means they take breaks at different times and if they go out to buy a sandwich they clock in and out by swiping their cards .
Captain Alison will set out at eight o 'clock so we shall have plenty of time.
Captain Alison will set out at eight o 'clock, so we'll have plenty of time.
Staff work at the council to a "flexitime system" which means they take breaks at different times and if they go out to buy a sandwich they clock in and out by swiping their cards。
Start these processes before you clock out for the evening or as you start off to work.
When I heard children calling and playing, I knew that school was out and that it was past one o 'clock.
Follow these four tips and you’ll be relaxed and ready to enjoy delicious food and time with family from the second you clock out.
No alarm clock to rudely awaken me out of a good night's sleep as I get up naturally.
But thanks to political posturing in Washington, they haven't been able to extend it this time - and the clock is running out.
It turns out that when our internal clock is ticking faster, we don't just perceive the external world as moving slower - we can actually remember more about it.
Comment on other people's blogs: Be an active part of the blogging community. People will see your comments and clock the link to find out more about you.
Well. I am really tired from packing all of the stuff all day. And it's about time to clock out.
Matt Blank from the Michael Jackson World Network fan club told the BBC that some UK fans had not found out about their tickets until four o 'clock on Monday morning.
They had been working round the clock for a couple of days hoping to get the design out before their competitors did.
Pierce got the ball, waited out the clock and then took a high-arcing fallaway jumper in the final seconds that bounced off the rim as time expired.
Most people look forward to retirement as a time when they can finally clock out, control their own schedules, and take up activities that they never had the time or energy to pursue before.
To phone it in or run out the clock, regardless of how alone and impotent you might feel in your work, is to commit an especially tragic — for being so preventable — brand of public sin.
But by this point, he said, it's obvious to everyone who keeps pace with climate negotiations that countries won't strike a deal before the clock runs out.
By enabling this logger at DEBUG level, you can find out the amount of clock time required for various parts of the Rampart processing.
By enabling this logger at DEBUG level, you can find out the amount of clock time required for various parts of the Rampart processing.