Absrtact: Along with the increase of digital system working frequency, clock period gets shorter, timing of the system becomes more complex.
The tickets have a time availability period, and if the host clock is not synchronized with the Kerberos server clock, the authentication fails.
Using multinomial radix, the modular square will be finished in one period of the clock, which is faster than using the point multiplication directly.
This article mainly addresses the maintenance period of clock frequency of SPC exchanges in China's telecommunication network.
The results has shown, it is possible to get measurement precision of clock rate about 10-14 during the period of one month.
结果表明,在一个月测量周期中,钟速(频率)的测量精度可达到10 - 14。
The judges will start one clock at the moment a team member steps on the stage for the 5 minutes period, and another clock at the beginning ot the music for the 2 minutes performance period.
This circuit is implemented on a monolithic chip, which is comprised of a period time sampling unit, a peri-od distanee preset unit, an arithmetic unit, a clock and time sequence unit.
The results has shown, it is possible to get measurement precision of clock rate about 10-14 during the period...
结果表明,在一个月测量周期中,钟速(频率)的测量精度可达到10 - 14。
Your biological internal clock would oscillate at your endogenous circadian period.
During that period, the science and technology had also made great progress, with paper, water clock, sundials and instruments used to measure earthquakes invented.
In one form each of the successive memory cycles is a period of time of no more than a single period of the memory system clock.
Stopping a clock does not trigger its completed event, but advancing it to its fill period does.
The LED driver includes a clock supply to periodically output a modulation period.
The judges will start one clock at the moment a team member steps on the stage for the 5 minutes period, and another clock at the beginning of the music for the 2 minutes performance period.
This period of time can always go to bed 12 o 'clock because there are some things not done, had to wait until so late done, nor is it a good mental state.
The power manager unit and the nodes sleep period are controlled by an RTC(real time clock) chip.
"clock" models for growing period of crops were established, which reflect dynamic change in growing period of crops with climate, and analyze the crop requirements to climate tondition;
An extremely wide programmable frequency range allows the clock to operate with a period from 1ms to 9.5 hours.
In any given 12- to 24-hour period, you need your alarm clock on precisely two occasions: at night when going to bed to set the alarm, and in the morning when that alarm goes off.
If, like me, you are a "lark," or morning person, your strongest period of clock-dependent alerting occurs at this time.
If, like me, you are a "lark," or morning person, your strongest period of clock-dependent alerting occurs at this time.