The default value for this interval is a single clock tick (10 milliseconds).
In the same continuous clock tick as a person is different environment to learn new knowledge.
An operating system typically consists of a set of function calls, or software interrupts, and a periodic clock tick.
When the employer's focus is on the work being done, the employees can focus on meeting deadlines and producing good work - not on watching the clock tick the seconds until it's time to go home.
Finally, I animate the image by updating it in tandem with the tick of the CA clock.
One night, the queen woke up because of a sore throat, It was quiet; all she could hear was the tick of the clock, the queen took a walk, but she saw a terrible thing.
Left alone, this tick of the clock would surely have shaken modern civilization to its foundations.
I watched the minutes 18 agonizingly tick by on a clock on the wall.
My eyes slid back to the clock and watched it tick over the final seconds.
Now consider noise. If a ticking clock disturbs you, buy one that doesn't tick, or use your phone.
At each tick of an imaginary clock, cells update their states simultaneously.
Tick Count (ms) returns the value of your operating system's internal clock in milliseconds; it is commonly used to calculate elapsed time, as in the next activity (see Figure 6.54).
Now consider noise.If a ticking clock disturbs you, buy one that doesn't tick, or use your phone.Turn clock radios and MP3 players to the wall and cover lighted screens.
The new state of a cell depends on that cell's current state and the current states of its neighbor cells, using a specified rule. Listing 2 updates the universe at each tick of the clock.
Looked at the clock "tick", a little close to 2 points. I still have the courage to go gym shoes.
This can happen at any number of places, but in the simplest case the OS is called on every tick of a clock, and decides which process should get the CPU for the next tick of the clock.
A new clock placed on the shelf was ticking two ticks to the second as any good clock should tick.
If you had a clock on the surface of a neutron star, for example, it would tick at about 70% of the rate of a clock on Earth.
Leaving here has been ? more than one year without any consciousness , my life was passing away , just like " tick , tick , tick . . . " from ? the second hand of a clock ?
I was watching the minutes tick away towards the end and even though you're a few goals up you still feel very nervous. When I saw the clock reach 85 minutes I started to get a good feeling.
The old-typed striking clock with carvings is tick-tacking with the time. It is too old to gasp for breath.
"I can't slow down," says the famous 3 chimpanzee expert, citing her "advanced age" and the 4 tick-tock of the clock.
For example, a clock may have an epoch of January 1, 1970 and tick every second.
For example, a clock may have an epoch of January 1, 1970 and tick every second.