Mom answered, "If you close that door, don't come back again."
On hearing that, I stepped back, let the door close, and allowed him to reopen the door, not using the automatic control this time.
In this example, the dog door doesn't close the way the customer wants, and other critters like bunnies end up back in the house along with the dog.
When we were all getting away from the door and trying to close it because there were sparks going everywhere, one of the guys fell back against the door and got his pocket caught.
"Where has Carrie gone?" asked Hanson, coming back into the dining-room when he heard the door close.
If we cannot prevent piracy boarding the vessel, all crew final escape to engine room from the funnel door at the back of bridge and close this door inside.
You can open and close the balcony door like this. It just slides back and forth.
Later, I put Agnes back to bed, close the door, and pause at the top of the stairs.
After exchanging details with the other driver, we tied the front door to the back door with husband's tie and drove to a panel beater close to home.
After exchanging details with the other driver, we tied the front door to the back door with husband's tie and drove to a panel beater close to home.