Li is engaged in injury preventive research in nearly 10 years and establishes close corporation with local health bureau, hospital, school and traffic management.
There is a choice of a new company form to small and medium enterprises that do not issue stocks outwards with the formulation of South Africa Close Corporation Act.
Some days I need to close my door and faint for a couple of minutes to set things right, a habit I’ve been pursuing since I was new to the corporation.
Mr Greenspan’s model is the Resolution Trust Corporation (on whose board he served), created in 1989 to take over failing thrifts, sell their assets, then close itself down.
格林斯潘的模型就是美国清债信托公司的模型(他是其董事会成员)。 该公司建立于1989年,目的是接管经营不善的企业,变卖其资产并将其关闭。
This paper considers that item plan of real estate ACTS the role as think tank and close assistant of decision-maker of corporation.
A third study by Rand health, part of the Rand Corporation, found that Americans across the country risk poor health care, even if they live close to a top hospital.
For instance, a land plot in Haidian was sold to China Ordnance Equipment Group Corporation at AV close to RMB 30,000 per sq m.
It seems that Shanghai Ablues Design Exhibition Corporation is in traditional industry, but in fact, it has a close relationship with Internet by widely use of multimedia technology.
NEW ZEALAND CORPORATION: You have two cows. Business seems pretty good. You close the office and go for a few beers to celebrate.
NEW ZEALAND CORPORATION: You have two cows. Business seems pretty good. You close the office and go for a few beers to celebrate.