Close the connection to the ldap server using ldap_unbind.
Finally, close the connection to the JMS Queue (see Listing 13).
Finally, we retrieve the results of our SQL statement and close the connection to the database.
In this flavor, the server pushes data back to the client, but does not close the connection.
On the other hand, if you close the connection, how will consumer know the connection is closed.
Continue, after waiting for the customer to receive the information until the customer close the connection.
However, the client may also simply close the connection when it no longer needs it, without issuing this command.
Establish a connection to the CM library server, replicate users, replicate user groups, and close the connection to CM.
If the selected method is X 'ff ', none of the methods listed by the client are acceptable, and the client MUST close the connection.
At times what happens is, we open the connection, performs the desired database operation, but we do not close the connection explicitly.
In each case, the server provides the data that the user requests and can then close the connection, allowing that thread to be freed up to serve other requests.
Because when then forked process exit, it will close the connection it copied, which is the same connection its parent process is using, this may interrupt the parent process.
When an application USES the LDAP server for authentication, it generally USES the binding to communicate with the server, and unbinding from the server to close the connection.
With this option, you explicitly copy files locally while you have a live connection, close the connection, work on the files later, and upload them back to the server after you have finished.
In cases of severe server errors, which make it impossible to continue serving the client (this shouldn't normally happen), the server will close the connection after sending the error line.
The "connection: Keep-Alive" tells the server to not close the connection, but the server has the option to keep it opened or close it, but it should reply to the client socket regarding its decision.
Because these resources, like the connection or any database cursors, can be managed outside the JVM running your database application code, your application must close them explicitly.
But in an effort to keep the number of threads in the system under control, GAE forces any application-initiated connection to close after 5 to 10 seconds.
CBS' "60 Minutes" produced a remarkable story explaining how the seafaring Moken people used their close connection to the ocean to detect the tsunami before it happened.
The detailed properties view shows that the Close Called property for the connection is false.
Assigning false to the Active property of the TClientDataSet does not do that by default - the connection is kept until you explicitly close it.
The open and close method calls may actually translate into reserving and releasing a live connection from the application connection pool.
This process used a Type 4 JDBC driver from the Apache Derby project to connect to a database, extract metadata from the database, and then close the database connection.
Obviously, this has no effect if the connection was already closed (but it never hurts to explicitly close it).
Close the odbc connection using odbc_close, which takes in the connection itself.
Close the interaction and then the connection by the calling the close method on instances of interaction and connection.
After you verify your connection to the database (Figure 16), close the session (click the X in the upper right of the database session window).
After you verify your connection to the database (Figure 16), close the session (click the X in the upper right of the database session window).