Ketch RIGS generally do not sail as fast or as close to the wind as a sloop.
Galleon’s traders were encouraged to sail close to the wind—as one put it, you “get an edge or you’re gone”.
The cost of solar panels has dropped by 80 percent and the cost of wind turbines by close to one-third in the past eight years.
A strong wind of dust storms can carry heavy objects, so you should try to stay low, and close to the ground, and protect your head with your arms or a backpack.
If potential wind capacity were fully exploited, production could be close to 96 terawatthours (TWh) a year, according to the Bank.
But if that ground is, indeed, sloping, it means that the wind (which tends to follow the ground when it is close to the surface) hits the blades of the turbines at an Angle instead of face on.
It's a gas giant planet also called Osiris, and it's orbiting so close to its star that some of its atmosphere gets blown away by the stellar wind.
He spent seven hours battling biting wind and freezing temperatures to get as close to the eruption as possible, against the advice of local guides.
But on a hillside that means the wind (which tends to follow the ground when it is close to the surface) hits the blades of the turbines at an Angle, instead of face on.
Glasgow is on the same latitude as Moscow but because it is close to the warm Atlantic Ocean shores and lies in the path of a prevailing westerly wind, it has a significantly more moderate climate.
Feng opened the door to see her go but the chilly wind forced him to close the door.
Occasionally the cracks of t’under rush across the water, close enough to rattle your ribcage; then the wind rustles through the trees or fizzes across the water, followed suddenly by rain.
But Dongtan has been put on hold indefinitely and, save for the bridge-tunnel and a wind farm, close to nothing has been built.
The wind close to the ground is streakier than the stuff higher up, and it doesn’t blow as hard.
So how did Fiat wind up parking its cars on a busy New York street close to the entrance of the Holland Tunnel?
"Bright light too close to bedtime can make it hard to fall asleep," Arnedt says. That's because dimness signals the biological clock that it's time to wind down, while bright light says "daytime!"
Another blow came from the decision of Danish wind turbine manufacturer Vestas to close the UK's only blade manufacturing plant on the Isle of Wight.
As you close in on the point where the Atlantic meets the Indian Ocean the race will be almost over, the wind can die off leaving a nail biting finish to a 3,500 nautical mile race.
The wind in the Spring Forest lightly kissed Manman's cheeks. Manman invited everyone to sit together, close their eyes, and quietly listen to the song of the wind.
There are many factors influencing the indoor environment quality, but hot and wet environment, interior air quality, interior wind velocity and interior noise has close relation to HVAC.
The trees may prefer calm but the wind will not subside, son to raise and close not to stay, and how many people would understand this sentence!
When restaurant hours wind to a close, room service is available, offering select items from the Marta menu.
At the close of the afternoon service we returned by an exposed and hilly road, where the bitter winter wind, blowing over a range of snowy summits to the north, almost flayed the skin from our faces.
Officials estimated China's wind power capacity will be close to 20 gigawatts by the end of this year.
Please close your eyes and think: An ancient city with hills and rivers sleeps cozily (warmly and comfortablely) under the blue sky, waiting the spring wind to awaken it. Is it an ideal state?
Please close your eyes and think: An ancient city with hills and rivers sleeps cozily (warmly and comfortablely) under the blue sky, waiting the spring wind to awaken it. Is it an ideal state?