This method provides a closed-form solution and reduces the computational load of DOA estimation.
Then, we give a closed-form solution to this subspace tracking problem and also provide a practical iterative algorithm.
In math terms, they are a closed-form solution; lesser artists literally solve the same problems by successive approximation.
We calculate the ML estimation via the EM algorithm, and derive its iteration equations, which gives a closed-form solution for parameters.
It utilizes robust control method to derive the closed-form solution of optimal dynamic portfolio choice by specifying state function of uncertainty-aversion.
Finally, the network resilience was analyzed theoretically, and a closed-form solution for average size of clusters was reached before the largest cluster of network appeared.
A closed-form solution for filter coefficients is obtained by minimizing the frequency-domain squared-error function and revealing some properties of the matrices related to the design problem.
In this paper, a closed-form solution to wave induced seepage pressure in infinite-depth seabed is obtained by taking into account the soil deformation and the compressibility of the pore-water.
The elastic equilibrium is reduced to solve some Rimann boundary value problem and the solution in closed form is given.
The effect of inertia of the guidance systems on the closed form solution to guidance problems is investigated and an analytical solution is obtained.
In this paper we proposed a closed form solution for direct identification of FIR system parameter, which circumvents the problem of error propagation.
The closed form solution of 3 RPR planar parallel mechanism was obtained. It is a 6 th degree equation in one variable.
从而导出3 - RPR平面并联机构正运动学封闭形式解为一元六次方程。
The closed form general solution is a rigorous solution in mathematics. It does not require initial values and iterations.
Secondly, under the certain assumption, the closed form solution of the product is obtained.
The algorithms can be classified into two categories: a closed form solution and an iterative least squares fitting.
An energy difference rate method (EDRM) is applied to establish a closed form solution (CFS) about stress intensity factor (SIF) of three dimensional finite bodies containing inclined embedded cracks.
In this paper, a novel controller for thyristor-controlled series capacitors (TCSCs) with closed-form analytical solution nonlinear optimal predictive control (NOPC) is presented.
Finally, a closed form solution of additional displacements is obtained by the principle of minimum potential energy.
Finally, a closed form solution of additional displacements is obtained by the principle of minimum potential energy.