Yemen and Arab Gulf States are closely interrelated.
Organometallic chemistry is closely interrelated with materials science, organic synthesis, life science.
Factual representation, psychological representation and linguistic representation are closely interrelated.
This sewage-consuming biological process depends on a closely interrelated succession of species of animal plankton.
As a creation technique, the stream of consciousness is closely interrelated to Kawabata Yasunari's creation philosophy.
Language and culture is closely interrelated which means the use of language cannot be separated from the social environment.
The Nieqidar, Ewen, and Ewenqi languages in the var ious Tungusic languages in the Siberian regions in Russia are closely interrelated.
However, the relations between population variables and health, which are closely interrelated, has long been untouched in demographic research.
Female narrative characteristic appeared by narrative poems in female script is closely interrelated with its particular social and history background.
Subjectivity of cognition is closely interrelated with attribute of human freedom. Subjectivity is the form and result of individual freedom force's unfolding.
Memory in interpretation consists of three stages: information identification, retention, and representation, which are closely interrelated and indispensable.
The Rupe number and the ratio of injection orifice diameter are two key parameters affecting unlike impinging injector performance, and they are closely interrelated.
Acute purgation syndrome, blood stasis syndrome and jaundice due to accumulation of stagnant blood syndrome are all closely interrelated to different injury of organs in MODS.
The last part is the conclusion and the author suggests that the protection of our geographical environment and the inheritance of PRIMITIVE FOLKSONGS are closely interrelated.
This means that local social and economic disruptions may be temporary. They may, however, be amplified in today's closely interrelated and interdependent systems of trade and commerce.
Conclusion There are insulin resistance and endothelium function impaired in IGT among civil aviation people. Endothelium function and insulin resistance relationships are closely interrelated.
Climate warming was closely interrelated with expanding of planting areas of maize and potato, decreasing of planting areas of spring wheat and the northward extension of maize planting boundary.
News interview right is one kind of right is interrelated the right closely, which is the public knows the circumstances of the matter.
News interview right is one kind of right is interrelated the right closely, which is the public knows the circumstances of the matter.