The centre is one of five that supports its huge EC2 network, an elastic cloud computing service.
Penguin has built a cloud computing service based in a colocation center in Utah that is made for those HPC workloads.
But the outage is likely to shake clients' faith in the cloud computing service, billed as a safe and reliable tool.
I need to have one because I see the potential of its cloud computing service and artificial intelligence application.
In this article, I talk about cloud computing service types and the similarities and differences between cloud and grid computing.
This means that there is no central point for a user of a cloud computing service to view all the services and the associated policies.
A carefully crafted security policy Outlines what cloud computing service consumers and providers should do; it can save providers many hours of management time if they develop a security policy.
This enables computing power to become a utility: it is generated somewhere on the network (" in the cloud ") and supplied as a service.
Subscription based cloud computing model becomes a fixed cost to a controllable service of many business oriented strategy models.
Like anything else in business, cloud computing poses its own set of legal issues that customers are required to consider before signing with a service.
Cloud computing is really nothing more than the provisioning of computing resources (computers and storage) as a service.
Cloud computing is a comprehensive solution that delivers IT as a service.
In short, cloud computing solutions enable IT to be delivered as a service.
However, the concept of the service growing "elastically" is not as prevalent, whereas the ability to add (or remove) capacity as usage changes is an important part of cloud computing.
Cloud computing means computing can be used as a service rather than a product.
This type of "utility" or "cloud computing" GIS will become increasingly popular for delivering GIS applications, especially where consistency of application and service is important.
Survey participants noted that there are also quality of service and compatibility hurdles that must be crossed successfully before cloud computing gains more adopters.
Bezos also talked a little about EC2, which is their newest service released in 2006 (Elastic Computing Cloud).
This stratification of the cloud's components has provided a means for the layers of cloud computing to becoming a commodity just like electricity, telephone service, or natural gas.
In fact, I would say that with the rise of cloud computing, the term virtualization is about as overloaded as the term service.
In more mature deployments, they can be referred to as Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud computing applications.
在比较成熟的部署中,它们可以称为Soft wareasaService (SaaS)和云计算应用程序。
There are three basic service models to consider in a university based cloud computing, such as Public, Private and Hybrid clouds.
Some will suggest that cloud computing is simply another name for the Software as a Service (SaaS) model that has been on the forefront of the Web 2.0 movement.
有些人说云计算只不过是一直在Web 2.0 运动前沿的软件作为服务 (SaaS)模型的另一种称谓。
For administrators and planners looking to build a private cloud computing environment, Tivoli Service Automation Manager and WebSphere CloudBurst offer several distinct benefits.
对于寻求建立私有云计算环境的管理员和规划人员而言,TivoliServiceAutomationManager和WebSphere CloudBurst具有以下几个明显的优点。
Finally, Adobe released a public beta of CoCoMo, a platform as a service allowing developers to add real-time social capabilities into Web applications via "cloud" computing.
最后,Adobe发布了CoCoMo的公测版,CoCoMo是平台即服务(platformasa service)的一个实现,使开发者可以借助于“云”计算将实时的社会功能加到Web应用中。
Software as a service (SaaS) is a software delivery method that leverages the cloud computing model.
软件即服务(Soft wareasa service,SaaS)是一种利用云计算模型的软件交付方法。
This type of cloud computing is also sometimes referred to as HaaS or Hardware as a service and it involves both storage services and computing power.
这种云计算的类型有时也被称为HaaS,或者硬件即服务(Hardwareasa Service),它同时涉及到存储服务以及计算能力。
Cloud computing can be loosely defined as using scalable computing resources provided as a service from outside your environment on a pay-per-use basis.
云计算(Cloud computing)可以粗略地定义为根据需要使用在用户环境之外以服务形式提供的可伸缩计算资源。
MobileMe, part of an industry wave known as cloud computing, also could become a focal point for a new online music service that Apple has been developing for more than a year, the people said.
Cloud computing is the environment that enables customers to use applications on the Internet such as storing and protecting data while providing a service.