The reason for this increased cloud cover, it turns out, is the exceptionally large amount of microscopic marine plants.
Many people have been fascinated about Venus for centuries because of its thick cloud cover—a so-called planet of mystery and all of that.
Dense cloud cover is dimly visible below the aurora.
Unrelated to the cloud cover, a dull gray smoke plume appears east of Alaska.
Modification of cloud cover scheme doesn't bring consistent improvement on SST.
One possibility is that it is being reflected back into space by changes in cloud cover.
It was too late for a Friday attack and on Saturday there was excessive cloud cover.
TerraSAR-X is not affected by weather conditions, cloud cover or the absence of daylight.
Hole punch clouds: This picture taken of Rural West Virgina shows cloud cover to the top left.
Cloud cover: UV radiation levels are highest under cloudless skies but even with cloud cover, they can be high.
No moon would be visible ever, not because of the constant cloud cover, but because Venus has no companion.
In the north (right), the cloud cover is less uniform, with scattered clouds creating jagged peaks in the profile.
With the high temperatures, there must be sufficient cloud cover to keep any water on the surface from boiling.
This means more sunlight reaches the ocean surface - a runaway process that leads to more warming and less cloud cover.
And disappeared when the mountain is, like the fog around the cloud cover in general, in the blue-colored horizon.
Other features visible in the image include a solid field of low cloud cover at the lower left corner of the image.
Ships that spray minute water droplets into the sky could increase cloud cover and reflect sunlight away from the earth.
The city light patterns are very clear, indicating that there was little cloud cover or haze in the region at the time.
This difference allows the satellite to capture a year-round sea ice record, despite cloud cover and months of polar night.
When it broke cloud cover at around 400ft, the pilots saw the ground and the runway and immediately took steps to avoid it.
A likely candidate is rising ultraviolet radiation as a result of either ozone depletion, or a change in the level of cloud cover.
The tendency for clouds to thin and cloud cover to reduce was more pronounced in this model than in any of the current global models.
Although the wind was still howling, the couple could hear airplanes flying somewhere over the cloud cover-one every 50 minutes or so.
Unrelated to the cloud cover, a dull gray smoke plume appears east of Alaska. The plume probably results from wildfires in Canada.
I was thirty-seven then, strapped in my seat as the huge 747 plunged through dense cloud cover on approach to the Hamburg airport.
Observer recordings of cloud cover from boats are often taken by sailors who are not specialists in the field, and can be very subjective.
"Ghost" — for efforts active way, for Fanshou hand for the rain cloud cover (from the author of "Jin" : Hu Xueyan "five words are Code").
“鬼”- - - - -为心机,手法活络,翻手为云覆手为雨(引自作者“津津”:胡雪岩的“五字商典”)。
The heavier cloud cover to the north and west of this circular pattern was likely a response to a low-pressure system and to jet stream dynamics.
Decadal and longer changes in sunspot activity impacting warming and cooling cloud cover patterns are now being recognized as an important factor.
Decadal and longer changes in sunspot activity impacting warming and cooling cloud cover patterns are now being recognized as an important factor.