It's also marketing the cloud in a box - kitting out standard shipping containers as fully functional data centres which can then be dropped off ready for use.
它还瞄准了“云盒”(cloud in a box)市场——按照标准把云封装成完备的功能数据中心,能随处使用。
Although Box is a solid player in the cloud storage market, it's playing catchup by adding activity streams this late in the game.
In it, a colored cloud is used to indicate the old process model version and a pop-up message box over the cloud shows the migration history of the instance, as shown in Figure 25.
Across a stream and up a steep hill is Ms. Foster’s Victorian cottage. With lavender blush white petunias in a window box and lace curtains, it is clean as a summer cloud.
Across a stream and up a steep hill is Ms. Foster’s Victorian cottage. With lavender blush white petunias in a window box and lace curtains, it is clean as a summer cloud.