The fundamentals and method of deducing path-integrated cloud liquid water content (L)by an airborne up-looking microwave radiometer are introduced in this paper.
Retrieving spatial distributions of cloud liquid water content (LWC) from the airborne double-antenna microwave radiometer data by tomography method is a limited-angle image reconstruction.
A statistical method for retrieving the total water vapor and cloud liquid water content and a non-linear iterative algorithm for retrieving the water vapor profiles in the troposphere are discussed.
The results show that, the content of cloud liquid water is overestimated by the AREM while the content of precipitation ice is underestimated.
研究结果表明,AREM模拟的云水含量稍偏高, 降冰含量稍偏低;
The results show that, the content of cloud liquid water is overestimated by the AREM while the content of precipitation ice is underestimated.
研究结果表明,AREM模拟的云水含量稍偏高, 降冰含量稍偏低;