IN THE clubby world of Korean commerce, hostile takeovers are rare.
Between them, these firms serve 95% of the country's wireless subscribers. They are a clubby bunch.
Outside clubby Japan and Australia, Asian loan markets have tended to be driven by transactions, rather than relationships.
Outside clubby Japan and Australia , Asian loan markets have tended to be driven by transactions , rather than relationships .
Matt Cohler, a former Facebook vice President who is now a venture capitalist with Benchmark capital, epitomizes Facebook's clubby extended family.
Russert earned plenty of detractors among those who felt that, on the one hand, he engaged in "gotcha" journalism, and on the other, he was too clubby with Washington insiders.
Thanks to South Korea's culture of age-based hierarchy, it was especially hard for younger players to opt out. The clubby atmosphere discouraged whistle-blowing against higher-ups.
Through star-studded advertising in Europe and Asia and a growing network of clubby boutiques now numbering 200, it lures upscale customers, whether in New York, Paris or Shanghai.
Through star-studded advertising in Europe and Asia and a growing network of clubby boutiques now numbering 200, it lures upscale customers, whether in New York, Paris or Shanghai.