Multiple gold topology sets of clusters in a single cell.
This technology allows system administrators to create a deployment topology that leverages multiple nodes (physical machines) and clusters (application processes that span physical resources).
The resulting topology will be a new cell that is different from the back-end cell that contains the application server clusters.
The golden topology consists of two clusters of Application Server instances (one for the runtime and one for the messaging), with a single active messaging engine in the messaging cluster.
A common way of distributing functionality across clusters is described in the so-called WebSphere Application Server "golden" topology (Figure 1).
Figure 12 depicts a relevant segment of the plugin-cfg.xml generated from the application deployment topology where the Ping application is mapped to both the configured clusters.
图12描述了根据应用程序部署拓扑结构生成的plugin - cfg . xml文件的有关片段,其中Ping应用程序被映射到已配置的两个集群。
The result shows that indeed the Hilbert curve clusters the data better according to their topology, giving us an additional 1.5% less data physical reads, compared to the Z-ordering.
结果表明,Hilbert曲线的确能够更好地根据拓扑聚集数据,与 Z 排序相比,它可以减少 1.5% 的数据物理读。
For these scenarios, one technique that can be used to overcome the implicit cluster size limit is to define a super cluster or "cluster-of-clusters" topology.
In this topology, separate clusters exist for applications, messaging, and support.
For our sample scenario, we adopted a topology with two separate clusters, one for the WebSphere Process Server applications, and one for the messaging engine.
This screen allows you to specify how many cluster members of a certain type you want to create on each node. Our target topology has three clusters
CASP adopts "similar clustering" topology optimization technique to form clusters among peers with related topics and provide cutoff connections to some remote peers.
CASP adopts "similar clustering" topology optimization technique to form clusters among peers with related topics and provide cutoff connections to some remote peers.