The paper introduces the technology of CO2 gas shielded arc welding.
CO2 gas shielded arc welding is widely used in production, but the spatter produced in the weld process badly affects the quality of weld.
To reveal the influence of forced convection on gas shielded arc welding temperature field, the infrared camera was used to investigate the temperature field of the base metal in CO2 arc welding.
Technological process of CO2 gas shielded metal arc welding with stainless flux cored wire used for stainless steel tank construction is presented in this paper.
The hardness of welded joints obtained by double-wire submerged arc welding is significantly better than that obtained by CO2 gas shielded. The peak hardness appears in the heat affected zone.
The joint microstructure and mechanical properties of high strength bainitic steel plate were studied by CO2 gas shielded welding(CGSW), submerged arc welding(SAW) and manual arc welding(MAW).
The joint microstructure and mechanical properties of high strength bainitic steel plate were studied by CO2 gas shielded welding(CGSW), submerged arc welding(SAW) and manual arc welding(MAW).