Studies of citation counts show that international co-authored papers have better visibility.
This paper proposed an improved method which combines patent citation network and inventor co-invent network to identify international technology spillover paths.
As one of the co-citation analysis methods, the journal co-citation analysis is used to study the co-citation of the journals of Library and Information Science.
Human Resources in Science and Technology; Mapping Knowledge Domain; Co-Citation Analysis;
科技人力资源;知识图谱; 共被引分析;
It analyzes the research focus in terms of the most cited articles in the document co-citation network associated with keyword co-appearance network.
At the same time, "Mapping Knowledge Domains" has become a hot-field of scientometrics, so co-citation analysis has been the focus of researches again.
Social network analysis Patent Assignee Co-citation Bibliographic coupling Correlation network;
社会网络分析;专利;专利权人; 共引;文献耦合;关联网络;
Social network analysis Patent Assignee Co-citation Bibliographic coupling Correlation network;
社会网络分析;专利;专利权人; 共引;文献耦合;关联网络;