Bio briquette is a new kind of coal briquettes made up of coal, biomass and sulphur retention agent.
Coal briquette is one of clean coal technology, which is an important measure to change the way of coal combustion.
Compression technology of biomass could be agriculture, forestry, solid waste compression molding, can be made into fuel instead of coal briquette.
The tabular date are for crashing limestone. If it used to crash the soft material, such as coal briquette, sandstone, etc,. The output will be bigger.
Coal briquette is made of anthracite with a sulfur content of 3 14% by addition of lime (as sulfur fixation agent) and hydrocarbons (as combustion adjuvant).
在含硫量为3 14%的无烟煤中添加石灰(固硫剂)及少量碳氢化合物(助燃剂),制作成型煤。
The effect of feed coal particle size on strength of briquette is discussed when different briquetting process and rank of coalification coal are adopted.
The characteristics of dilatation and contraction of the cold-pressed briquette made of Hebi coal during carbonization was studied with a shrinkage indicator in this paper.
The paper puts forward a refernce for running of the fine-coal briquetting equipment to promote briquette industry development.
This paper presents a technique with which the row coal is made to be the mixture of chinaley coal and granular briquette (MCCGB) with a granularity distribution.
Coal products for residents refer to briquet, coal cake, honeycomb briquette and kindling charcoal.
Outcome The indoor SO2 concentration of burning briquette is lower than that of burning coal.
Asphalt is selected as coking charge additive in the coking tests carried out respectively as per NSC and Sumitomo briquette coal blending processes.
Theoretical analysis on suitable raw coal sizes for briquettes and experimental study on the relation between raw coal sizes and briquette strength have been carried out.
The influences of usual factor on the ignition of briquette and coal powder were also analyzed.
The results show that optimizing the formula of MS-1 blinder, logically add coal blending and biomass can improve combustion characteristic of briquette for gasification.
The results show that the performance of coal briquetting machine and quality of briquette are enhanced with the new construction.
Through these experiments, some factors influencing ignition and combustion of briquettes are analyzed, such as coal properties, different pressure on molding and the additives in briquette.
Methods To observe changes of biological indexes of two groups of children whose family use coal-biomass briquette and raw coal respectively.
The cementitiousness of the raw coal exercises a strong influence on the briquette thermal compressive strength during carbonization.
Some problems in the civilian use of briquette coal are analyzed.
This paper introduces an experiment of making industrial briquette by taking HFX-1 compound binder as main additive and using bituminous coal as raw material.
本文介绍了以HFX - 1复合粘结剂为添加剂,以烟煤为主要原料制取工业型煤。
The briquette of wood based bio-materials could replace coal with its advantages of high heat value, clean burning and easy to make.
The carbon composite iron ore hot briquette (CCB) is a new type of iron-making material, which utilizes the thermal plasticity of coal for enhancing its high-temperature strength.
The briquette made by rolling coal powder mixed with the cohesive agent has good resistance to water and, its resistances to pressure and falling can meet national stander...
The ash of char is low, and the caloric content of coal gas is high. So it can be used as fuel in cement plant and power plant, or made into briquette as the gas-making material or fuel without smoke.
The briquette made of coal powder and this binder features high strength, good waterproof nature, and convenience for storage and transportation.
The present invention relates to a tunnel-type burner of briquette for furnaces and consists of multi-layer fire grates, coal-loading mechanism and cinder-extracting device.
The present invention relates to a tunnel-type burner of briquette for furnaces and consists of multi-layer fire grates, coal-loading mechanism and cinder-extracting device.