A disposable non-woolen filter, and a panel type washable coarse aluminum filter are installed in the front panel of return air duct of each room, to trap powder generated, if any.
So coarse powder is more suitable for low power plasma spraying.
This article introduces and discusses the purification of ordinary nitrogen by coarse titanium powder and its application in gas nitridation technology of titanium surface.
The main transformed parts included water cooling wall, burner, coal saver, dust removing equipment, air suction machine and coarse powder separator.
The study of ultra fine comminution is carried out by using vibration mill and coarse tungsten powder as original material.
Coarse grain tablets, hidden in order to ink & paint alone into a glaze, but also hypertrophy, there is powder blue, pale blue, and light-colored several teeth.
Appearance: a pale yellow brown or light yellow irregular fragments or coarse powder, with roasted soy aroma.
Objective: To study on the pharmacological differences of super-slender powder and coarse powder of Lingyangjiao. Methods:Experiments of analgesic and relieve fever.
前言: 目的:对比羚羊角超细粉体与粗粉的作用差别。
Various properties of coarse-grain WC powder are described, as well as the alloys made by coarse-grain WC powder and its uses of all kinds in hard-surface materials.
The experimental results indicate that coarse aluminium powder can be used in HTPB propellant.
Fine powder exits with the air flow, those coarse powder which is near the tooth shaped plate can not exit due to block of the blocking bar until they are ground into fine powders.
The invention provides a multistage powder selecting machine for coarse, middle and fine powders.
Taper powder mill: it fits to the dry and wettest grind of wheat, coarse food grain and legume.
Plastic is used in fine coarse whiting powder, can reduce the manufacturing cost, but also improve and change its properties.
Results the optimum extracting procedure was as follows: medical material was crashed to coarse powder, and then extracted in 10 times methanol.
Results the optimum extracting procedure was as follows: medical material was crashed to coarse powder, and then extracted in 10 times methanol.