Enviga, a new health drink made by Coca-Cola, the world's biggest maker of fizzy soft drinks, and Nestlé, the largest food firm, is supposed to be both.
Enviga由可口可乐和雀巢联合出品。 前者是全球最大的碳酸软饮料制造商,后者则是最大的食品公司。
Coca-colonization is a term that refers to globalization or cultural colonization. It is a portmanteau of the name of the multinational soft drink maker Coca-Cola and the word colonization.
可口可乐化(Coca -colonization)一词是跨国软饮制造商Coca - Cola(可口可乐)和colonization(殖民化)两个词的合成词,指全球化或文化殖民。
Coca-colonization is a term that refers to globalization or cultural colonization. It is a portmanteau of the name of the multinational soft drink maker Coca-Cola and the word colonization.
可口可乐化(Coca -colonization)一词是跨国软饮制造商Coca - Cola(可口可乐)和colonization(殖民化)两个词的合成词,指全球化或文化殖民。