Coca-Cola later won permission in court to restart operations, but it had already lost the battle for public acceptance, and the plant never reopened.
After it built a bottling plant in Kerala, India, in 2000, Coca-Cola faced a barrage of criticism for allegedly depleting local groundwater.
PepsiCo Inc. unveiled a new bottle Tuesday made entirely of plant material that it says bests the technology of competitor Coca-Cola and reduces bottles' carbon footprint.
A typical, recent case was the plea for a Coca-Cola bottling agreement filed by a Brazilian named Paulo Pereira Ignacio, who wanted to open a Coca-Cola plant in the town of Rio Preto (pop. 23,972).
最近一个典型的案例是,一个名叫保罗·佩雷拉·伊格·纳西奥的巴西人与可口可乐签订的灌装协议- - -他想在里约普雷托市(人口数量为23972)开设一家可口可乐工厂。
She notes that one of her co-authors, Amit Khandelwal, visited a Coca-Cola bottling plant in China, and noticed that all the machinery was either Japanese or German.
Involve the BJ plant design and build, to meet the International Green Building standard. Accelerate BJ plant to establish their Coca-Cola EHS system.
Involve the BJ plant design and build, to meet the International Green Building standard. Accelerate BJ plant to establish their Coca-Cola EHS system.