The cocoon-to-butterfly theory only works on cocoons and butterflies.
These spiders spin large webs in which females suspend a cocoon with hundreds of eggs.
What goes on in a cocoon as a caterpillar changes into a butterfly remains one of nature's best kept secrets.
He tucked the coal into the center of the clockwork, and placed it all on the skin, and wrapped it up and tight it into a cocoon shape.
She also devised a special reel to draw the fibres from the cocoon into a single thread so that they would be strong enough to be woven into fabric.
There is nowhere to hide when things go wrong, no organization to cocoon you from blame.
Solar Flare Would Rupture Earth's "Cyber Cocoon"
The average cocoon contains about 300-400 metres of silk.
"We live in a cyber cocoon enveloping the Earth," Baker said.
The last thing he wants to do is to cocoon all weekend in that same house.
The Sitemap file provides configuration options to the Cocoon processing engine.
The cocoon fireplace series present an updated model of the classic modern fireplace.
The water took so long to recede, the trees became covered in a cocoon of spiderwebs.
They no longer spin silk, so their only income from the industry comes from cocoon sales.
The water took so long to recede, and the trees became covered in a cocoon of spiderwebs.
I was blissfully comfortable and happy in the cocoon of my roomette, but far too wakeful to sleep.
So the man decided to help it. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon.
Having lived in a cocoon of equality in college, we may have neglected these vital, real-world skills.
Wishing to extract it from her drink, the young girl of fourteen began to unroll the thread of the cocoon.
Only in struggling to emerge from a small hole in the cocoon does a butterfly form wings strong enough to fly.
The key components in our example Cocoon applications are the sitemap (sitemap.xmap) and stylesheet (XSL) files.
这个示例Cocoon应用程序中最重要的部分是sitemap (sitemap . xmap)和样式表(XSL)文件。
What you should try is creating a “cocoon” of silence and cool darkness that makes it easier for you to sleep.
The user opens a server document, and clicks the View Topology link. This accesses the Cocoon SVG1 application.
用户打开一个服务器文档并单击ViewTopology链接,访问Cocoon SVG1应用程序。
Cocoon is built upon the concept of "component pipelines," in which each component specializes in a specific operation.
The query string contains the document key that we use to generate XML and to pass back to Cocoon for PDF rendering.
The symbiotic bacteria secrete a mixture of antimicrobial compounds on the walls of the cocoon to ward off microbial threats.
The star is ending its life by casting off its outer layers of gas, which formed a cocoon around the star's remaining core.
它通过摆脱环绕星体残留内核形成茧的外层气体,结束了自己的生命。 随后,这颗渐渐消亡的恒星散发出的紫外线使该物质发光。
The Cocoon application processes this XML using the stylesheet we have defined (xml2pdf.xsl) and outputs PDF to the browser.
Cocoon应用程序使用定义的xml2pdf . xsl样式表处理这个xml并把pdf输出到浏览器。
Some 750 people, primarily women, are benefiting from this enterprise in silk worm rearing, cocoon production and silk production.
As close to an answer as you'll get here is that Burn After Reading is an essay in the cocoon of ignorance most of us live in.