This can be achieved by setting a global flag in the handler code and checking for the flag after completion of the critical part.
So that is a flag that tells the compiler that I want to use or link into my own program code that someone else wrote that lives somewhere else on the system whose moniker is CS50.
If you write code that USES any extra structure members, you'll have to flag it as not portable and, if you're feeling particularly friendly, include an alternate code path that does the same thing.
However, in other cases the presence of a rule violation in ones code can be a red flag that something can go seriously awry at runtime, even if the compiler lets it slip by.
The code says the American flag is not to be used as decorative clothing.
By commenting out the code shown in Listing 2, you can be assured that the validate flag will always be false (you can remove it altogether, as an option).
A related problem is caused by applications that try to load code at an absolute address by calling mmap with the flag MAP_FIXED.
应用程序试图通过调用带有MAP_ FIXED标志的mmap从绝对地址加载代码时会产生一个相关问题。
Feel free to contribute to the effort by coding what you think is the right solution and I'll add an ExcelCompliant flag to the function to conditionally invoke your code.
Unicode character class specifiers, arbitrary code execution inside a pattern, flag toggles, conditional expressions, and many other features were added to the regular expression engine.
Prof and gprof require code to be compiled with either the -p or -gp flag to provide information on the number of times a function is called, who called the function, and the like.
Since this code is attempting to set up a client connection, the flag is set to 0.
One way would be to create an array of booleans, one for each line of the original method, and add code that sets the appropriate flag as each line is executed.
If you find that you're having difficulty writing a test, it's a red flag that the code under test may be complex.
Goldman discovered the alleged breach through monitoring systems that scan employees' email messages for transfers of computer code and flag up any attempts to upload files to external servers.
Following is a typical code snippet you can use to determine if the operating environment is big - or little-endian; you can set a specific flag for your convenience.
您可以使用下面的典型代码片断来确定操作环境是big-endian还是little - endian;您可以方便地设置具体的标记。
If you cut and pasted these lines of code into an interactive Python shell, you would see that outline and flag are both generator objects if you printed them.
Garibaldi kindly sent me his code, which I used to make this interactive flag calculator based on the six most common star configurations.
The LogoutAction does the reverse: it resets the user authentication flag and ends the user session. Listing 10 has the code
LogoutAction 的作用刚好相反:它重置用户身份验证标志并结束用户会话。
Each Member shall require ships that fly its flag to provide financial security to ensure that seafarers are duly repatriated in accordance with the Code.
Each Member shall require that seafarers employed on ships that fly its flag are given paid annual leave under appropriate conditions, in accordance with the provisions in the Code.
This flag should not be used by parsing code, as the defaults may have been removed by the user during editing of the object in the designer.
Flag: (1) the "Masthead" or name of a newspaper. (2) a computer code which indicates that the following characters are a control code and not data.
Specifies the repeat count, scan code, extended-key flag, context code, previous key-state flag, and transition-state flag.
You code might set a flag or an internal synchronization object (such as event) so that main thread code would eventually notice it and proceed with raising an external event from there.
The algorithm integrates the linear indexing technique and flag map which LZC adopts, USES the scan order which is the same of SPIHT algorithm, sends the coding stream into MQ in code process.
Specifies the extended-key flag, event-injected flag, context code, and transition-state flag.
Lloyd's Code, Vessel Flag, Voyage Number and Port of Loading will fill in automatically.
With these data structures, code modules, and system registers initialized, the processor can be switched to protected mode by loading control register CR0 with a value that sets the PE flag (bit 0).
REMARK: You can't mmap the file that is opened with APR_BUFFERED flag. The following code returns APR_EBADF.
Generates and gets a code section using the specified name and flag values.