This article builds upon the design principles and code outlined in the first article of this series.
As I've looked over some of these — I've been reading more and more code for my classes and my research — I believe there are some general principles you can follow.
Tests are different kinds of code, but good (albeit different) principles apply to them as well.
Design principles: Validates that your code adheres to the design principles of object-oriented programming.
This article builds upon the design principles and code outlined in the first two articles of this series (see Resources).
By employing many of the same principles and concepts they already use to write code, developers can effectively serve as requirements engineers.
Next year, the companies are to undergo a more thorough review of whether they lived up to code of conduct's principles.
This problem also highlights one of the fundamental design principles when it comes to working with parallel data structures: Do not assume sequential execution of any code, ever.
Another group that would commit to Planck's view are the believers in a hidden code of Nature, a set of fundamental laws and principles that describe the essence of physical reality.
The goal, ultimately, is to create a public space that enables the existence of free software... built via the principles and code of open software.
The basic principles are still the same as last month, but this code adds a few bells and a couple of whistles.
Design principles, such as code auditing, extensive use of encryption, and careful configuration choices, combine to ensure that OpenBSD's secure-by-default philosophy holds true.
In the Downloads section, you will find a sample implementation of a continuous build system for Rule Team Server and DVS, using the principles and pieces of code described in this article.
Design principles, such as code auditing, extensive use of encryption, and careful configuration choices, combine to ensure OpenBSD's secure by default philosophy holds true.
The Agile community picked up on the value of keeping your code clean as a part of following their principles, one of which is.
Unlike OCI, OpenStack did not start with an empty drawing board and a set of principles, but with Rackspace's source code, which gave them a head start but some are reluctant joining the initiative.
How these pieces of code are discovered and how they discover and extend each other captures the fundamental principles of the Eclipse architecture.
Grails leverages the principles of convention over configuration and don't repeat yourself to greatly reduce the amount of code you need to write for a typical Web application.
Grails利用“约定优于配置(conventionover configuration)”和“不要重复自己(don ' t repeat yourself)”的原则,极大地减少了编写典型Web应用程序所需的代码量。
Attention should be paid to the principles of code switching, cooperation and coordination, reoccurrence and repetition and contextual drilling, etc.
The general principles relating to brevet cards and Log Books are located in the FIG General Judging Rules and the Code of Points.
Ethical - The quality of having and living by a code of sound moral principles.
At present, there are only general principles of civil law appearing in form of the quasi code, there is not a complete Livil code in our Country.
B. Abide by the bid assessment principles and code of conduct, work in a fair and just way and has no direct relation with the tenderers or suppliers.
The fundamental principles and methods of data encryption based on Complex-Rotary Code are presented.
Finally, these principles regulated the application of the dispositions of the Minor's Code, with the purpose of granting children and adolescents' rights.
The enactment of Chinese Civil Code should persist in private subject right standard with apprehension of social problems, to choose principles, systems and concrete norms.
The paper describes the compiler structure, abstract microcode machine, code generation of OCCAM and its designing principles.
I encourage all involved in tourism to embrace the ten principles of the Global Code of Ethics for tourism.
When we are working out the Administritive Procedure Code, we must consider the request of WTO principles.
Based on the basic principles of traditional secret code theory, this paper analyses and discusses the practical technology keeping and undoing a program secret in the concentrative computer system.