Ruby 1.9, like Rubinius, compiles Ruby source code to opcodes which are then executed by it's opcode interpreter.
The function, structure and procedure of G code interpreter for computer numerical control (CNC) system is analyzed in details.
The RecipeJAUS runtime environment is a essentially a thread manager coupled with a RecipeJAUS code interpreter that loads and executes a RecipeJAUS packet sequence.
The overall architecture of the system consisted of code interpreter, modeling module, feature database of turning based on STEP-NC and simulation drive is established.
The MMI is a highly effective interpreter, hand crafted in assembly code of a host platform to achieve best possible optimizations.
A script engine ACTS as a mediator between your scripting code and an underlying language interpreter or compiler that ultimately executes the code.
The interpreter code for these elements calls the outputter to switch to a new destination and subsequently to revert to the original destination.
Listing 3 shows what happens when you run the code on the command line with the PHP interpreter.
Under the covers, the code configures the simulator for the disk (where it loads the LISP interpreter), the card reader (where it reads the job), and the printer (where it emits the output).
The reason has to do with the way the interpreter converts statements in scripts to valid Scala code before compiling to byte code.
The order of mappings in a Python dictionary is arbitrary and can vary across different Python installations or even from running the same code more than once using the same Python interpreter.
Pythondictionary中映射的次序是任意的,对于不同的 Python安装可能会有变化,甚至多次使用同一 Python解释器运行相同代码也会有变化。
In the Python language, everything is an object a program can access, including simple types that hold integers, as well as the actual code you write and its representation in the Python interpreter.
The Python interpreter supports interactive execution of Python code.
The Lua interpreter USES a stack interface to communicate with calling code.
When you input the code from Listing 1 into the Jython interpreter interaction console, the result is shown on the console.
In these examples, I use the Guile interpreter, which allows me to work with Scheme in real time, providing Scheme code and seeing the results immediately.
By using event_hook, it's now possible to write pure Ruby event hooks instead of having to write native code to hook into the Ruby interpreter.
Put the code into the Lua interpreter, and then type print (color [1], color [2], color [1]).
将这段代码放到Lua解释器中,然后输入print (color [1],color [2],color [1])。
The first portion of the code uses the traditional UNIX pound-bang string (#!) to run the Tcl/Tk interpreter known as wish.
代码的第一部分中使用了传统的UNIX #!字符串来运行名为wish 的Tcl/Tk解释器。
The object code for a VM is also called bytecode, specifically defining an instruction set that an interpreter executes.
To create the JRubyInterpreter class, create a new source code file with an empty class skeleton and add the Interpreter interface to the definition.
Failed: As can be seen: the output in 1.8.x is "42", but in 1.9 becomes "1". (the "RESULT" here is the exit code of the Ruby interpreter).
可以看到:在1.8 . x上面的输出结果是“42”,但是在1.9上面就变成了“1”(上面的“RESULT”是Ruby解释器的退出代码)。
The command-line interpreter runs the code throughout the article, as follows.
The purpose of these optimizations is to avoid invocation of the regular SQL runtime interpreter wherever possible to shorten the code path.
That way, you don't need to know which classes each interpreter USES to execute code.
The labels within the interpreter function can be stored in the threaded code for super-fast dispatching.
Do you have your own interpreter that runs it or do you restore the original Ruby source code?
If you intend to edit the code for the interpreter class in Eclipse, you also want to add these.jar files to your Eclipse project's classpath.
The Groovy interpreter compiles the source code in-memory before handing it off to the JVM.
ParseTree is a library that allows to access the parse tree of Ruby code - either Ruby source code or Ruby code already loaded in the interpreter.