The following table contains the meaning of each code number.
Specifically, Oracle returned an error XAER_RMERR, error code number 65535.
Passbook and code number are required when you want to deposit or withdraw money in a bank.
The clothes received, and pictures of the same object, code number just fine, no fade phenomenon!
The only information they had about who they were giving it to was a code number for each boy and that boy's group membership.
Suggest that parents buy, select insoles code number is too large to cut out than the old shoe insoles their size most appropriate.
The first relies on a nine-digit, product-specific code number that might, for example, appear in an advertisement for the item in question.
Outline view: in this format, the WBS is depicted using different levels of indentation, with an accompanying WBS code number for each element.
The 10xxxxxx byte is a continuation byte with the XXXXXX bit positions filled with the bits of the character code number in binary representation.
字节10xxxxxx是一个扩展字节,它的xxxxx x位位置被以二进制表示的字符代码号的位所填充。
Lotame, for instance, says it doesn't know the name of users such as Ms. Hayes-beaty-only their behavior and attributes, identified by code number.
The code number is very positive, workers wearing comfortable contrast not what people look for flaws, the boss, your home, next time will surely come!
Train a group of really top left encoded content from the beginning of some of the letters in the bottom of the bar code number of face groups will be repeated.
The article should then be locked in the Lost and Found Cupboard (specific areas set aside for specific months of the year, with the code number clearly marked).
The same document mentions another bar code number (044476816574), which was spotted in a video hands-on of the Thunderbolt appeared on YouTube and made by someone at HTC.
这篇内部文件还提到了一个条形码号:044476816574。此号码出现在YouTube上一有关Thunderbolt hands - on的视频。
WBS code Numbers: the WBS code number is a unique identifier for each element of the WBS and should be such that it can be easily expanded to accommodate any future revisions to the WBS.
Instead of human being's counting error, which only results one or two counting error in number, an error in the program code could cause tramendous error in number.
Plastics are usually marked with an identification code that shows a recycling symbol and a number from 1 to 7.
Taking a peek at the code, however, you see a number of important aspects of how the code works.
Since the code references a number of classes in the Cactus distribution as well as the EJB code, you must add these references to the build classpath.
Internally, the case management asset sample code stores the sequence number on the CaseNumber custom object.
By creating tests that exercise the user interface itself, developers can test the maximum amount of code with the fewest number of tests.
This is a way to display error messages or diagnostics; the code has a number of examples of diagnostic messages sent to this stream, many of them commented out in the release.
The oldest method for calculating code complexity is counting the number of lines in a given function or method.
Minimize the number and length of synchronized code blocks.
For the individual programmer, the ability to quickly build the system while writing new code has a number of benefits.
We took the same approach when converting the main code: over a number of weeks, as we touched a bit of code, we converted it.
The code archive contains a number of comments to help elucidate this whole process.
Although tailored to LDAP-type data, you can use the code above for any number of text-related queries.
Different operating systems support a varied number of code pages in a globalized environment.
Different operating systems support a varied number of code pages in a globalized environment.