Listing 4 shows a typical messaging event, posting notification of a new high bid in an auction system, and the code that generates it.
We post it to the server using code similar to the code used when Posting property sheet types and document types.
NB - If the system tries to post to a dimension code that is not available (due to linked structure, etc) it will default to Posting value to the first available code in the dimension list.
When Posting on the forums of the new StarCraft II community site, players will be Posting using their StarCraft II character name and character code.
The COBOL client code is free to wait for a response, using standard WebSphere MQ APIs, or just return after Posting the request.
Q: Will the new StarCraft II forum Posting name format (character name + character code) carry over into the forum communities of other Blizzard games?
Note: Enabling this option for non-privileged users may result in their Posting malicious code to your blog.
Note: Enabling this option for untrusted users may result in their Posting malicious code to your blog.
If you select this indicator, no tax code needs to be entered when Posting to this account.
I am having problems Posting my code, but will attempt to post it later this eve.
While it creates aesthetically pleasant text, it might create difficulties when posting code examples in a programming language.
While it creates aesthetically pleasant text, it might create difficulties when posting code examples in a programming language.