I had another purpose for rewriting besides improving the code and the data structure design, however. That was to evolve it into something I understood completely.
The goal of refactoring and rewriting is, to improve the sanity of the system by improving the code readability, structure and clarity.
However it can save money or create value at a future stage of development by allowing designers to make changes quickly instead of rewriting large chunks of code.
Rewriting code alters the behavior and even the contract of code, while refactoring preserves its outward interface.
An SOA offers the ability to leverage existing legacy applications, which is usually a cost-effective alternative to rewriting code.
The modification of a system may include rewriting a portion of the code, changing the configuration or distribution of apps within the system, or other changes.
To see how HTTP handlers can be used to perform URL rewriting, consult the code available for download with this article.
It should be considered that the cost of improving the existing code in an application may indeed be greater than the cost of rewriting it 17.
While code generators understand a little bit about the target language, they are usually not full parsers and cannot take the target language into account without rewriting a complete compiler.
Most developers working with code, either for analysis or for rewriting, will start with the Workspace level.
Rewriting or copying possibly buggy configuration code, instead of reusing a module: AppConfig is quite stable at this point, and the interface to the module is not likely to change.
Rewriting or copying possibly buggy configuration code instead of reusing a module.
We can extend the JRubyInterpreter class to avoid rewriting the JRuby-oriented code.
From a PHP perspective, extending Ajax isn't just about rewriting the XMLHttpRequest (XHR) access code.
从PHP的角度来看,扩展Ajax功能并不仅仅是重写XMLHttpRequest (XHR)访问代码。
Mono's compiler, garbage collector, and JIT were not written by porting.net code to Linux, but by rewriting all the code starting from specifications.
Through MSIL rewriting, Volta follows developer's declarations to turn a single-tiered application into a multi-tiered application, generating boilerplate code for communication and serialization.
In most cases I simply emulated them, rather then rewriting the code.
Instead of rewriting for the cloud, you use a hosting company that puts your existing code on VM images that can be dynamically scaled as demand changes.
You must have an in-depth understanding of the data layout when rewriting those parts of the source code that are implemented in assembler.
Don't comment out code you mean to delete. I have known people to comment out blocks of code they were rewriting and check them in commented out.
Refactoring is the process of rewriting a piece of code so as to leave its execution behavior intact, but improve it in some other way.
Tuning might mean adding memory to a starved system, modifying operating system parameters, hastening the Web or database server, rewriting code for efficiency, or some combination thereof.
Rewriting old code simply to change its style may result in the introduction of costly yet avoidable defects.
If the user interface changes in a way that changes a command sequence, the tester can fix the affected test cases by modifying the spreadsheet rather than by rewriting code.
With CSS you can change the color and size attributes by rewriting one line of code.
Digital genome maps will allow lab technicians to create customized prescriptions, altering individual genes by rewriting lines of computer code.
Digital genome maps will allow lab technicians to create customized prescriptions, altering individual genes by rewriting lines of computer code.