Every time you make coffee, dry the leftover coffee grounds and keep them in small bowls, then place the bowls in the kitchen.
Sprinkle your used coffee grounds in the garden and around the outside of your house.
Used coffee grounds, in moderation, can do wonders for the garden by adding nitrogen to the soil.
While there has been a splash of positive news about coffee lately, there may still be grounds for concern.
She slips on her robe, tiptoes into the kitchen, pours coffee grounds and water into the coffee maker, places two slices of bread in the toaster, and opens the window curtains.
Pour steamed milk slowly into the glass, stirring to combine. The drink can then be topped with whipped cream, and decorated with sprinkles, chocolate syrup, coffee grounds, or coconut flakes.
Dr Misra says that 1 litre of biodiesel requires 5-7 kg of coffee grounds, depending on the oil content of the coffee used.
Misra博士说生产1升的生物燃料需要5 - 7公斤的咖啡残渣,视不同咖啡的含油量不同而有差别。
But coffee aficionados shouldn't scream just yet -- the fuel comes from waste coffee grounds provided by a branch of Costa Coffee.
Even after being subjected to the rigors of brewing, roughly 15 percent of the weight of dried coffee grounds is oil, which, much like palm and soybean oil, can be converted into biodiesel.
The researchers start off by drying their coffee grounds overnight and then pour in some common chemical solvents, such as hexane, ether and dichloromethane, to dissolve the oils.
The diesel-extraction method for coffee grounds is similar to that used for other vegetable oils.
The grounds are then filtered out and the solvents separated (to be reused with the next batch of coffee grounds).
In their laboratory his team has set up a one-gallon-a-day production facility, which USES between 19-26kg of coffee grounds.
在他们的实验室,他的团队建起了一个一天能生产1加仑生物燃料的生产设备,大概每天要使用19 - 26公斤咖啡渣。
Together, they developed a business plan to collect coffee grounds in order to grow mushrooms and sell them.
For every cup of coffee you brew, about two tablespoons of grounds wind up in the trash.
If you make your own coffee at home, try adding it to your coffee grounds before brewing, or to your cold brew to really maximize the flavor.
Sprinkle coffee grounds near cracks to keep ants at bay.
The coffee grounds were placed into the pot and hot water was poured over the top.
Aroma is the smell of the coffee when it is infused with hot water and vapors are released as the wet coffee grounds are stirred.
Work coffee grounds into your hair after you wash it instead of your regular conditioner to make it soft and shiny.
It made it into the top eight with a project that empowers local farmers by helping them launch businesses using coffee grounds as fertilizer to grow mushrooms.
The team noticed that in metropolises like Shanghai, there is a huge waste of coffee grounds every day.
As this hot, pressurized water percolates through the grounds, it picks up emulsified oils, bubbles of carbon dioxide, water-soluble compounds and even tiny bits of coffee bean.
By using mannose as the standard and DNS as colour developing reagent, the author indirectly determinated the content of mannan in defatted coffee grounds by spectrophotometry.
以d -甘露糖为标准,DNS作显色剂,用分光光度法间接测定脱脂咖啡渣中甘露聚糖的含量。
The counterman scooped out Sumatran coffee beans, ground them, put the grounds in a filter in the cone and poured hot water over them to give me a sample of their product.
We were sitting around drinking coffee and I looked at the coffee grounds and thought 'I wonder if we can use this for methane storage?
After capturing and storing methane, the coffee grounds could then be used as a fuel.
That's when you could use a good fortune teller to divine the future of carbon storage from reading coffee grounds, tea leaves or wine sediments.
That's when you could use a good fortune teller to divine the future of carbon storage from reading coffee grounds, tea leaves or wine sediments.