If the cogs don't mesh correctly, the gears will keep slipping.
Run them through the cogs and wheels of the language machine, let it arrange them in some very special orders.
Bob. Know what I mean by cooperative cogs?
Use the Cogs to unlock more paddles and countries or to "power-up" existing paddles.
As smaller cogs in larger machines it may be difficult to tell what we're contributing.
How are employees treated — like cogs in a wheel or as valuable assets to be nurtured and grown?
The girls did not so much seem accessory wheels to the general machinery as mere cogs to the wheels.
Somebody has to put his hand into the machine and let it be wrenched off if the cogs are to mesh again.
Gold Cogs, which are earned with each win in Career Mode or with each tournament win in tournament Mode.
When they become interchangeable cogs in a large machine, they lose this and their work becomes just a job.
These executives, expert in every phase of corporation, became the indispensable cogs in the industrial machine.
With the cogs beginning to turn in my own mind, I was beginning to recall just why I must have been brought here.
But as a printing management major, you'll focus more on the cogs of commerce than the gears of the printing press.
The clockwork, cogs and gears, element makes robots even more interesting because of their apparent fragility and uniqueness.
Luna was not there: the thing that was making such a racket was a wooden object covered in magically turning cogs and wheels.
[The Analytical Engine] is actually quite fast given that it's all in cogs, so Babbage was thinking about something relatively powerful.
The machine is better to watch. And these two are like a machine which has slipped its cogs. It needs the touch of a human hand to set it right.
We were suffocating, being ground down into unfeeling cogs taught by repeated pain that we must not care about our art because to care was to lose.
Methods To analyse the USES of monofilament polypropylene synthetic nonabsorbable cogs thread in plastic and aesthetic surgery in recent two years.
When sell a miscellaneous article through POS, need to post a certain percentage (eg. 38%) of the sales amount to COGS (cost of goods sales) account.
If a villain throws a wrench into the machine, the sequence of cogs carried along the conveyor belt could change visibly - say from red-blue-blue to red-green-blue.
As I unpack the details, I see the cogs turning in their mind and their eyes start to light up as I explain the perpetual and automated nature of the whole business.
What are the four major alternatives for calculating cost-flow (flow of value from inventory to COGS)? How do these relate (if at all) to the physical flow of products sold?
It now includes a speed Slider to speed the game dramatically, 10 new paddles, 20 new countries, and Gold Cogs, so you can "power-up" your paddles for more spin, more power.
It calls credit-rating agencies “cogs in the wheel of financial destruction.” Paraphrasing Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” it states, “The fault lies not in the stars, but in us.”
Yet, those that know him almost all regard his as a genius, and, at least, there is something unique and interesting about how the twisted cogs of his mental machinery fit together.
I can almost hear the cogs turning and the competitive juices flowing as each person scans the room frantically trying to absorb and remember as much (relevant) information as possible.
I can almost hear the cogs turning and the competitive juices flowing as each person scans the room frantically trying to absorb and remember as much (relevant) information as possible.