Cohan believes there are at least two possible explanations for this phenomenon.
Mr. Cohan raises the same question as he writes that the firm’s onetime dedication to its clients has evolved into something more ruthlessly self-serving.
"Until we know whether the results are related to selection factors or to the experience of cohabitation itself, I cannot say that couples should not live together," Cohan said.
Mr Cohan handles his material deftly, portraying Bear as symptomatic of an industry that had come to believe its own hype and had lost sight of how inherently unstable it really was.
VIP was created by James and Jane Cohan, a couple of New York art dealers who teamed up with two Internet entrepreneurs three years ago when the art world was about to be hit by recession.
VIP was created by James and Jane Cohan, a couple of New York art dealers who teamed up with two Internet entrepreneurs three years ago when the art world was about to be hit by recession.