TRNGs are usually based on physical phenomena such as thermal noise, atmospheric noise, radioactive decay and even coin-tossing.
If a losing male continues to be aggressive, the chances are he will be seriously injured (it is unlikely natural selection could have foreseen competitive coin-tossing).
At the start of the experiment each volunteer was given 50 dollars with which to gamble on the outcome of tossing a coin.
For example, the experiment could be tossing a coin, I will call the outcome heads the number one, and I'll call the outcome tails the number zero, so I've just defined a random variable.
In statistical language, we would say that the relative frequency become stable as the number of tosses becomes large (if we are tossing the coin under uniform conditions).
Or were the odds about the same as tossing a coin and seeing how it landed?
Or were the odds about the same as tossing a coin and seeing how it landed?