The rivers feed into the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska — cold, nutrient-rich waters which support tens of millions of seabirds, and over 400 species of fish, shellfish, crustaceans, and mollusks.
Only the females of this cold-water fish sport a distinctive Pinocchio-like snout.
The decline of our fish stocks may have changed the landscape forever, but the kipper, a cold-smoked herring, still remains one of the great tastes of England.
Fresh meat, chicken, and fish always carry some bacteria so these foods must always be kept cold.
Have eggs, fish or cold meat at breakfast. Stick to protein-based foods at lunchtime such as oily fish with dark green vegetables.
"Robot" and his classmates are learning the colors of the fish on Mickey Mouse's boat and the articles of clothing Goofy needs when the weather gets cold.
"Of course it's cold, but you get used to it, " says Nina, a Yakut woman who spends eight hours every day standing at her stall in the fish market.
If you must use fish on ice, pick one that is properly store (well-covered with ice, not sitting in a puddle of cold water).
COLD, empty and rich in fish and minerals, the seas of the "High North" are a tempting prize for a big, confident country.
At first I thought this might prove a blessing in disguise, and at once proceeded to make inquiries for food: flesh, fish or vegetable, hot or cold, anything!
Add sufficient cold water once and for all to stew fish, or else it will dilute its freshness.
Small cakes of cold cooked rice wrapped in seaweed, dressed with vinegar, and topped or wrapped with slices of raw or cooked fish, egg, or vegetables.
If you are going to go fish, at a minimum you should have an 8-hour marine-safety class on cold-water survival.
For instance, black current, grapes, lemon, squash, almonds, ostrich, cold water fish etc. are very good source for good eyesight.
And cold-water fish that are high in omega-3s are also likely to have elevated levels of methylmercury13 and PCBs14, both known neurotoxins.
同时,富含omega - 3的冷水鱼有可能会使甲基汞和聚氯联苯的含量提高,这两种物质都是神经毒素。
Seafood, especially oily, cold-water fish such as salmon, herring, sardines, and anchovies.
Sara: A fish? Doesn't 6)count, cold-blooded.
Everyone says Mark's new boyfriend is a cold fish, but Mark says it's just that he's shy and he can't relax with people until he gets to know them.
Lowe said that when the water is deep and cold, that usually means fish can live a long time.
That comes before the world was a heavy rain, the weather is very cold, and still has a lot of dirty water, the earth hand touching the dirty water, immediately become a cold fish.
I tried talking to Rachel at the party, but she's a bit of a cold fish.
My new neighbor is a cold fish. I went to welcome her to the neighborhood and she didn't even speak to me.
While it is true that cold-blooded fish do slow down during the winter, and they eat far less, they still do eat.
You climbed it, rappelled over it, and bungee jumped off the other side, and landed in an icy cold stream filled rainbow colored fish and gold nuggets. Of course.
Salad fork: salads, fish, pies, pastries, and cold meats.
Let's not invite Joe to the party: he's such a cold fish he'll spoil it for everybody else.
Rumor has it you're a real cold fish. You think your shit smells sweeter than most.
The lake has no fish probably because it is too cold in the lake. a legend says that a monster had eaten yp all the fish a long time ago.
The lake has no fish probably because it is too cold in the lake. a legend says that a monster had eaten yp all the fish a long time ago.