Change in temperature, allergies, smoking, the common cold — pretty much anything that causes swelling in your sinuses or keeps the cilia from sweeping away mucus — can cause sinus problems.
Fifthly, drink little beer and have no cigarette. Alcohol leads to poor sleep, and the stimulative effect of smoking is just like that of having a cold bath.
Methods the chronic bronchitis of the mice was induced by sole cigarette smoking under the conditions of cold and room temperature.
The baby formula is locked up because thieves resell it on the black market. Ditto for the cough and cold medications, smoking-cessation products, razor blades, and batteries.
Drinking, smoking, cold and overfatigue are forbidden.
Conclusion Preventing cold and no smoking with other self-prevention measures were good measures to prevent the acute attack of chronic bronchitis.
Doctor: avoid catching cold, avoid smoking and don't eat irritating foods of any sort.
I've been trying to quit smoking for awhile now, but going cold Turkey is very difficult.
HeatTracker USES Foursquare data to let you know whether hotspots are "cold, warm, warming up, smoking hot or on fire."
The inner of the smoking woman is as cold as one trumpet creeper.
Fifthly, you ought to drink less and give up smoking, for alcohol will lead to a bad sleep and stimulative effect of smoking is as same as it of taking a bath with cold water.
Have you tried to quit smoking cold-turkey, only to find the cravings just too overpowering?
Example: "Did it take you a long time to quit smoking?" Reply: "No. I just went cold turkey, and I never smoked again. "
“你是不是用了很长时间才把烟戒了呀?” “也没有啊,我是一旦决定了不吸烟就马上付出行动,虽然很痛苦不过我再也没吸烟。
Example: "Did it take you a long time to quit smoking?" Reply: "No. I just went cold turkey, and I never smoked again. "
“你是不是用了很长时间才把烟戒了呀?” “也没有啊,我是一旦决定了不吸烟就马上付出行动,虽然很痛苦不过我再也没吸烟。