The cold bending property is one of the important targets for the hot rolled strip, the cold bending test is required inspection item stipulated in the standards.
The higher the cooling rates, the greater the thermal stress, and the lower the toughness and the cold bending property of test sample.
Described here is the cold bending rupture test on the AC-16C modified asphalt mixture designed using the GTM method with varied gradation, bitumen-aggregate ratio and cement-bitumen ratio.
论述了以gtm设计的AC - 16 C改性沥青混合料为基础,在级配、油石比、粉油比变化的条件下,分别对混合料进行低温弯曲破坏试验。
This test introduce one kind of electronic truck scale whose scale body structure is using steel plate to make the cold bending tank instead of section.
The macroscopical survey and micro cosmic analysis of unqualified cold bending test samples of Q235and HP295hot -rolling plate had been stu died.
Samples of hot rolled steel plate Q235 in various specifications having cold bending cracks are examined by means of Metallographical test and electron probe analysis.
对不同规格的Q2 3 5热轧钢板冷弯裂纹试样进行了金相检验和电子探针等分析。
Samples of hot rolled steel plate Q235 in various specifications having cold bending cracks are examined by means of Metallographical test and electron probe analysis.
对不同规格的Q2 3 5热轧钢板冷弯裂纹试样进行了金相检验和电子探针等分析。