But without a thick atmosphere to trap heat, it is possible that permanently Shadowed regions could stay cold enough to preserve ices for millions, if not billions, of years.
Studying cold trap deposits has direct applicability to learning more about the planet Mercury, and lunar regolith contains information about the history of our Sun.
It controlled a trap door between the boxes and allowed only fast-moving (ie, hot) molecules through in one direction and only slow-moving (ie, cold) ones through in the other.
To detect such a tiny force, the NIST team confined about 60 ultra-cold beryllium ions in a device called a Penning trap, which USES magnetic and electric fields to imprison charged particles.
Sample temperature curve can be displayed, a separator temperature curve, thetemperature curve of the cold trap, vacuum curve.
Cold trap using liquid nitrogen to achieve a constant input of rapid cooling, so that rapid nucleation of steam to ensure that the nanometer scale.
In order to make sure the magnetic field distribution around the magneto optical trap cold atoms, the weak variation and distribution around the zero point magnet field can be analyzed.
We suggest a novel trap of trapping a neutral atom with static electric field of four point charges, and discuss the quantum effects of the cold neutral atom in the trap.
The effects of the temperature jump and the velocity slip on the heat transfer for the slip-flow regime in the cold trap of the freeze dryer are considered.
Whereas dolphins and whales rely on thick blubber to help keep warm in cold water, fur seals and sea otters depend on dense fur to trap a layer of air against their bodies.
The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced in the laser-sculpture process of bicolor board were studied using cold trap condensation-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
It now dawned on Harry, however, that the cup of cold tea on which he had trodden that morning might not have been a booby trap at all.
An experimental study on the performance of freeze-dryer's cold trap has been carried out under different temperature of the cold trap coil and different frost thickness in the paper.
Then the view is not large, to choose a pump, plus some oil purification measures, such as the Canadian cold trap, baffle, retaining the oil wells, but also in order to reach a dirty vacuum.
The first flow limiting tube, the midpoint press and a cold trap are connected to the midpoint flow restrictor.
With good design Windows can trap warmth in winter and repel summer heat. They admit cooling breezes and exclude cold winter winds.
With good design Windows can trap warmth in winter and repel summer heat. They admit cooling breezes and exclude cold winter winds.