WVP increased with the increasing of cold and frozen storage time.
Alaska pipeline goes though severely cold and frozen earth areas and is the first pipeline in the world to complete hydrostatic testing under such an adverse climate and unfavorable circumstances.
Because of the cold temperatures, the tundra has two layers: top layer, which is called the active layer, is frozen in the winter and spring, but thaws in the summer.
Description: Frozen cold sweet fruits are refreshing, satisfying, nutritious, and taste "smooth" or even creamy like many fat-filled desserts.
ONE WINTER a Farmer found a Snake stiff and frozen with cold. He had compassion on it, and taking it up, placed it in his bosom.
Chilled and frozen meat products require an uninterrupted cold chain during storage, transportation and display and have a short shelf life.
He said the cold and silence of this frozen world seemed to increase a man's fear of death.
While this can be done in a number of ways (eye masks, cold wet cloths, frozen spoons, etc.) the idea is always the same: application of cold reduces swelling and tightens skin.
Either they are hot and passionate, or when they become tired and bored with this heat, they turn to the opposite — they become an ice-cold saint, frozen.
However the sites are too warm for frozen carbon dioxide, and in some regions too cold for pure, non-salty water.
She had a pale thin face, and her lips were frozen purple because of the cold. Her hair was cut short and she was dressed in worn-out clothes.
A mostly cold and barren world of steppes and tundra, with vast frozen regions and glaciated mountain ranges.
Frozen (Level 22) - Frozen-imbued monsters inflict Cold damage with their attacks and have strong Cold resistance.
I felt cold, frozen and blinded with nothing to lean on and nowhere to turn, no sense to be found.
This paper expounds the test results of the freezing Process of sea water, the excessive cold temperature of sea water, the frozen water temperature, sea water frost heaving force and the tube strain.
This is because they are frozen in the winter, be afraid of the cold, spring is in to rescue the cold dominated the world at this moment, give a person a kind of safe and reliable feeling.
The way to eat a frozen pear is to first immerse it in cold boiled water. The pear will soon be coated with ice and then soften up gradually.
It is worth mentioning that though the difference of temperature between the indoor and the outdoor was so big, and we often drank ice water and ate frozen food, few people had a cold or got sick.
We were still left frozen cold in our seats, teeth chattering, tears pouring, ashamed of what had happened in Rwanda, ashamed of the rest of the world's inaction, indifference, and cowardice.
But in the corner by the house, in the cold of the early morning, the little girl sat, with red cheeks and a smile upon her lips — dead frozen to death on the last evening of the old year.
A half century ago when the Asia Society was founded, Asia was frozen in a cold war, wracked by poverty, and seemingly destined for desolation.
Early in the morning, get up early surprise people, and this is like spring flooding of oil went cold frozen snow, watered Shino Plus, grass arch out of the bud, branches are covered with a green dot.
The study can give us obvious reference price on designing cold storage construct, the demand storage temperature and term of validity on frozen watery product quality.
It is an ice wonderland, full of people braving the cold, diving into frozen water and enjoying themselves at minus 30 degrees.
It is an ice wonderland, full of people braving the cold, diving into frozen water and enjoying themselves at minus 30 degrees.
It is an ice wonderland, full of people braving the cold, diving into frozen water and enjoying themselves at minus 30 degrees.