The fate of Cold Mountain poems was changed after Snyder's translation.
The 92-6A variety was comprehensively good in the cold mountain area of the Baiched basin.
His father's shoulders is a mountain, one can block the cold mountains cover the injury, and I am!
In particular, the inhabitants of Cold Mountain are presented as guarded, insular, and narrow-minded.
During the filming of Cold Mountain, there were rumours that one famous actress on set ate only boiled eggs.
The upper distant cold mountain stone footpath is tilted , the white cloud life place has a household.
This text holds that the deeds of Cold Mountain were in fact a fabulously occurring and changing process.
Every day she waded into a neighbor's cold mountain creek, carrying out thousands of smooth stones to build a house.
Some people say, "cold mountain" is the mountain springs, but I say that it is bone-chilling ice water, cold heart Che bone.
The growing feature of Cold Mountain was co-worked by the conflict between Buddhism and Taoism, and influenced by folklores' inheritance.
Surprisingly, more than a thousand years later, there appeared "Han Shan Fever" in America because of Snyder's translation of Cold Mountain poems.
So he held up to the idea of another world, a better place, and he figured he might as well consider Cold Mountain to be the location of it as anywhere.
The Collected Songs of Cold Mountain in 1983, which is translated by Red Pine, is the first complete translation of Cold Mountain Poems in western world.
Three eof the generals returned, empty-handed. But the general who had gone north determined, not to fail his king, finally reached a cold mountain village.
三个将军两手空空的回去了,但是那个去北边的将军决定,绝不让国王失望,最后来到一个寒冷的山村。 。
Cold Mountain belongs to my favorite movie type. Besides beautiful scenery and music, it brings the viewers with reflections on history, war, humanity and love.
The Chinese poem, which I accidentally found in Internet, was created by a lady with the cyber-name of White Wedding Dress as a review of the movie Cold Mountain.
The Argentine conscript border guards were as charmless a bunch of fellows as you'd expect to find dispatched to a deserted road on top of a freezing cold mountain.
Traipse gaunt and unbearable inman, frequently only looking at home with that cold mountain, back hometown miss wife, in hard environment, waiting for the moment reunion.
Chapter One gives an account of the poet han Shan and his poems, the translator Gary Snyder and his translation of Cold Mountain poems, and the previous study made in this field.
Translating Han Shan's great poem called 'Cold Mountain' written a thousand years ago some of it scribbled on the sides of cliffs hundreds of miles away from any other living beings.
The Yi poet colony at Cold Mountain is the Yi poet colony whose native place is Liangshan district and the core of whose poem is the thing at Cold Mountain since the new period of literature.
Encouraging results have been obtained, which prove that mercury vapor survey is a rapid, economical and effective method in high and cold mountain areas, which hence deserves popularization.
Han Shan became the idol of the Beat Generation and Hippies, and his Cold Mountain poems rendered by Snyder were their spiritual food. Snyder's translation got canonized in American literature.
The sound seemed to fill the house, and then she was moving, moving like water, like the cold rushing of a mountain stream.
The sound seemed to fill the house, and then she was moving, moving like water, like the cold rushing of a mountain stream.