The process of cold rolling forming for outer ring of single freewheel of bicycle and the structure of roller and jig, and the parameters for rolling machine have been introduced.
The feed drive system of a precision cold ring rolling mill adopts AC servo motor and mechanical transmission, rather than conventional electro-hydraulic actuator.
Cold rolling technology is applied to ring parts extensively. In the process of numerical simulation and optimization of cold rolling, roundness is a key object variable of the design.
Cold ring rolling is a technology to produce high precision and performance seamless ring and its process has strong nonlinear.
Three rolling schedules were selected, dynamic simulations on the preloaded housing of cold ring rolling mill were proceeded with 3d finite element method, the results were compared.
The bearing's life was extended by high-tech ring produced by cold rolling craft. This craft is more efficient than traditional craft.
The nature reason of these phenomena was that the radial and axial plastic zone distributions were different in cold ring rolling.
Base on the nonlinear characteristic of cold ring rolling machine's manufacturing procedure, Design the numerical real-time measurement and online control system of cold ring rolling machine.
The research can be used as a theoretical foundation of on-line measurement and control for cold ring rolling process.
The process principle of cold ring rolling machine, including the system configuration of measurement and control principle is presented in this article.
Cold ring rolling is a new technology to produce high-tech seamless rings. The asymmetry of the metal distribution in the taper ring causes large axial force, as well as sunken side faces.
The invention relates to a process of a conical roller bearing ring. A cold-rolling blank is sent into a rolling wheel from a feeding channel through a manipulator;
The invention relates to a process of a conical roller bearing ring. A cold-rolling blank is sent into a rolling wheel from a feeding channel through a manipulator;