The cold narrow strip rolling line of Xinyu Iron and Steel Co. and the main performance of new added equipment are introduced.
The traditional rolling force model of 4-stand tandem cold strip mill at Anshan Iron and Steel Corporation was analyzed, and some defects were found out.
Test of cold rolling welded ferritic stainless steel strip was carried out.
This paper expounds the shape classification of strip, analyzes the reasons why the shape wave occurs on the band steel in the cold rolling mill, and probes into the crown control of the band steel.
Theoretical study on the rolling process with conical rollers has devel-oped a new field for rolling and other advanced cold working of strip steel.
Shape meter is the important equipment in the cold rolling production line. Its working result has great effect on the surface quality of the cold-strip steel.
Speed control system of skin pass mill in Cold Strip Rolling Mill of Wuhan Iron & Steel Group Company is introduced.
The results show that the flaws on the surface of high quality cold rolling strip steel are due to the many kinds of non-metallic inclusions of the steel.
The results show that the flaws on the surface of high quality cold rolling strip steel are due to the many kinds of non-metallic inclusions of the steel.