Should I err on the side of accuracy as it is now, or collapse all whitespace?
A useful feature to add to your applications is the capability to expand or collapse all top-level tree items.
The first step is to add the two buttons (lines 28 to 38 in listing 5) that expand or collapse all the tree’s items.
第一步是添加两个按钮(清单5中的第 28- 38行),用于展开或折叠树的所有项目。
Categorize the view, and initially collapse the categories in the view by selecting the "collapse all when database is first opened" option.
将视图分类,通过选择“Collapse allwhendatabaseisfirstopened ”选项,在一开始的时候就消除类别。
This is not currently possible with the "Collapse All" function. However inner-level folds are preserved when they have manually been collapsed within an outer-level fold.
It is all an attitude, and one day the attitude will become a weird cramp, a pain, and then it will collapse.
This will help to provide an additional margin of protection against the complete collapse of banks that burn through all of their equity.
Some election lawyers said that the decision, if upheld, could lead to the collapse of all legal limits on campaign donations, whether from corporations or individuals.
As it is, all that Limits to Growth can prove is that it can simulate one century of collapse.
Wrong, because in the depths of the crisis the share prices and borrowing costs of all Banks indicated an almost complete collapse in confidence.
Many elements of the system are Ponzi-like in that they depend on confidence-they would collapse if all investors demanded their stakes back-or they rely on new backers to keep them going.
That would cause all of the major Greek Banks to collapse, as they are the largest holders of Greek debt.
Schaeffler’s misfortune, however, was that its offer closed just after the collapse of Lehman Brothers sent markets into a spin, spurring almost all of Continental’s shareholders to accept its bid.
Schaeffler's misfortune, however, was that its offer closed just after the collapse of Lehman Brothers sent markets into a spin, spurring almost all of Continental's shareholders to accept its bid.
The sinking of the Titanic, the meltdown of the Chernobyl reactor in 1986, the collapse of the World Trade Center - all forced engineers to address what came to be seen as deadly flaws.
The emerging conventional wisdom, if what I heard is any indication, is that Mr. Bernanke has been fighting the wrong enemy all along: inflation, not financial collapse, is the real threat.
We all watched the towers collapse, completely, falling from the skies above into a cloud below — horrific and awesome, breathtaking and unbelievable.
"All alike expect and fear a post-war collapse," Alvin Hansen of Harvard University, a leading economist of the time, wrote in 1942.
Hold down Cmd + Opt + click on the triangle icon will collapse or expand all level layer groups.
Beyond all this, though, I believe there's a fundamental reason why we have not faced global collapse in the last year.
And we all remember the Minneapolis bridge collapse, but up to a quarter of all the bridges in the country are in need of attention.
Mild depression, self-pity and negative expressions or outbursts are all warning signs of a nurturer who is on the verge of collapse—and maybe in need of nurturing herself.
The lesson of last year's financial collapse is that we all have to take responsibility for our finances by reading about the subject.
The white source near the center of the image is a dense, rapidly rotating neutron star, or pulsar, all that remains of a core-collapse supernova explosion.
Roach's fear - and he is hardly alone in this - is that the cumulative effect of these "unconventional" measures will be a collapse of confidence in fiat money of all types: dollars, yen, euros.
罗彻担忧的是- - -而且不只是他一个人担忧- - -这些“非常规”措施的累积效应将会导致人们对各种类型的法定货币丧失信心,如美元,日元及欧元。
Roach's fear - and he is hardly alone in this - is that the cumulative effect of these "unconventional" measures will be a collapse of confidence in fiat money of all types: dollars, yen, euros.
罗彻担忧的是- - -而且不只是他一个人担忧- - -这些“非常规”措施的累积效应将会导致人们对各种类型的法定货币丧失信心,如美元,日元及欧元。