To minimize collateral damage, maximum precision in bombing was required.
But his rousing words brought collateral damage.
Some human interventions also caused collateral damage.
Either property price declining or inflation would have collateral damage.
If house prices fall next year, the collateral damage is likely to be considerably greater.
The later is about to minimize the collateral damage to the economy from a dysfunctional bank.
This is a serious problem. It also means Pakistan feels bound to keep collateral damage to a minimum.
They also warn about the collateral damage that comes from excessive spending on marketing incentives.
If they [big Banks] were to go down, the problem is: it is not just them. It is called collateral damage.
America is now a battleground between these three, with metropolitan papers suffering collateral damage.
The rules are there for a good reason: to guard against devastating collateral damage by private security forces.
It's part of a long pattern of ethical slipping and sliding, obsessive secrecy and paranoia, and collateral damage.
Because of the objective's urban location, minimizing both collateral damage and noncombatant casualties is a priority.
A cunning plan allowed the Rogues to retake Coruscant with its planetary shields intact and with acceptable collateral damage.
Similarly, unstable package dependencies increase the risk of collateral damage within your architecture during times of change.
And that includes making them safer from the collateral damage of Alan Greenspan's irrational exuberance for risky financial technologies.
Having seen the link, you can allocate the appropriate time or resources to mitigate any collateral damage that occurs in the dao package.
The use of any cyber-weapon would have to be proportional to the threat, not inflict undue collateral damage and avoid civilian casualties.
As Kenneth Thomas, a lecturer in finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, put it, "There's going to be collateral damage."
"Please think of what could happen if we defaulted," she said. "please, please, please come down in favour of preventing the collateral damage."
These losses could be collateral damage as those companies fight even more strongly to keep existing contracts in the face of business wins by Huawei.
面对华为取得的业务胜利,这些公司更加强有力地维持现有合同,这也间接地造成诺基亚的业绩下滑。 诺基亚亚太地区当季收入较去年同期下滑37%,拉美地区收入下滑27%。
Officials said the mission was designed to minimize collateral damage and risk to non-combatants in the compound and to Pakistani civilians in the area.
Other investors will want to punish their wayward colleague and can create massive collateral damage in the process to common shareholders and management.
其它投资者对其进行的惩罚,将对普通股股东(即创业 者)和公司管理带来很多连带的伤害。
A high-power, solid-state directed energy weapon has the ability to damage, disable or destroy targets at the speed of light, with little to no collateral damage.
The striking rise of these diseases illustrates the vast collateral damage to health caused by policies made in other sectors and in the international systems.
Seventy-three million sharks are killed each year for their fins (shark-fin soup is huge in Asia) or meat or just as collateral damage of the wider fish trade.
SCALPEL is a small weapon system that offers precision engagement while minimizing the potential for collateral damage in close air support and urban environments.
SCALPEL is a small weapon system that offers precision engagement while minimizing the potential for collateral damage in close air support and urban environments.