There are two main doctrines on the legal character of securities counter-purchase: doctrine of collateral loan and doctrine of conditional sale .
There are two main doctrines on the legal character of securities counter. purchase: doctrine of collateral loan and dextrine of conditional sale.
They cannot raise a loan because they cannot use their lands, which cannot be sold to non-Mapuches, as collateral.
Freshly minted entrepreneurs are typically major risks for lenders because they lack business experience, collateral to secure the loan or both.
If you are applying for a business loan for a startup business, the only way you will be approved by the bank is if you pledge your personal wealth as collateral.
If you are a homeowner, you can use your home as collateral and perhaps take out a home equity loan.
The hedge funds pledge the purchased assets as collateral for the loan.
Iqbal Masih was sold to a Pakistani carpet factory when he was four years old as collateral on a loan his parents had taken out to pay for their eldest son's wedding.
Even better, the developer could then offer that land as collateral for a loan of, say, 2.5 billion yuan from a bank.
When you mortgage a property that means that you offer the property as collateral for a loan.
Twain's carefree days did not last long, His father used their house as collateral for a friend's loan, and the creditor took possession when the loan failed.
By law, he continued, the Federal Reserve could bail out Lehman with a loan only if the bank had enough good assets to serve as collateral, which it did not.
There are lots of costs, so you want to have a loan-to-value ratio, which is sufficiently low, that the collateral will cover the value of the loan.
Collateral is suspect and the state-controlled financial system does not reward loan officers for assuming the risks that come with non-state-controlled companies.
The bank argues that on most measures, for example the extent to which its loan book is backed by collateral, it has cut risk over the past decade.
Using that as collateral, a bank gave Xie a $100 million loan for a real estate project.
Everything checked out, and the bank agreed to accept the car as collateral for the loan.
If we lack sufficient collateral, the bank may refuse to loan us money we need for expansion.
The market for mortgages is very new so most homebuyers don't have much collateral for obtaining a loan.
Third, total assets, quick ratio, patterns of guarantee or collateral and number of operating years of firms also have influence on loan pricing.
The final problem to bear in mind is that by consolidating you will probably be shifting unsecured debt into a secured loan using your home as collateral.
They will then take these items and hold them as collateral, and you will get them back after you've paid off the loan.
A note is usually a short term business loan that may be secured or unsecured by collateral. Also called a promissory note.
However, as there is no guarantor or collateral while offering a credit loan, bank officers need to analyze the borrower's accounting information comprehensively to reduce the risk to the bottom.
Increases in the volatility of the value of the collateral, interest rate, and dividend rate of the collateral independently depress the loan supply.
Increases in the volatility of the value of the collateral, interest rate, and dividend rate of the collateral independently depress the loan supply.