In addition, only collateral value of assets has significant influence on the long term debt ratio, and the influence direction is positive.
It is shown that, when both the high-risk type and the low-risk type provide the equal collateral value to the bank, their loan interest rates are also equal.
Growth rate, size, collateral value and the capacity to generate internal resources, does not have any great impact on capitalization choices of Chinese pharmaceutical firms.
We point out, when collateral as borrower's risky types loses efficacy in order to avoid credit risk, Banks claim special requirements to collateral value that entrepreneurs provide.
Indebted investors are also being forced by their Banks to sell as falling prices reduce the value of their collateral.
Falling prices erode the value of collateral, tightening credit and depressing demand.
But now the volume of real-estate sales is falling, and so, too, is the value of the land used as collateral.
As the underlying collateral declines in value and incomes shrink, the real burden of debt rises.
The value of collateral falls, making banks even more reluctant to lend.
This raises the value of the collateral against which borrowing is secured. It then becomes easier to borrow to buy homes, which pushes prices even higher.
This may involve higher margin payments or a bigger "haircut" shaved off the value of assets pledged as collateral.
More people bought houses, increasing their prices. This boosted the value of the collateral on banks’ balance sheets, encouraging them to lend more.
People can’t or won’t borrow because the value of their collateral—in particular, houses—has fallen.
They complain that moneylenders advance only a fraction of the item’s value. And, with an interest rate of 30% a month, they can rarely afford to redeem their collateral.
But when they hear that their collateral is dropping in value, they demand their money bank.
There are lots of costs, so you want to have a loan-to-value ratio, which is sufficiently low, that the collateral will cover the value of the loan.
The situation was never ideal, but it worked as long as the value of their collateral — their homes — kept rising.
But Goldman had nonetheless taken the usual step of requiring AIG to post collateral nightly against any deterioration in the market value of the guaranteed assets.
As house prices increase, the collateral rises in value and the Banks are willing to lend more.
Against that, the black-money crackdown will probably dent (or worse) already-fragile property prices, especially in big cities—and so the value of the collateral the banks lend against.
Lenders want bigger down payments to protect against the falling value of collateral.
Select the high value of the property, or by means of quality assessment agencies help fair on the value of the collateral, in addition, can not be ignored in some legal banned asset as collateral.
Property in order to achieve the transfer of property value and the value of the collateral reasonable transfer system is designed to effectively promote the circulation of collateral.
Property in order to achieve the transfer of property value and the value of the collateral reasonable transfer system is designed to effectively promote the circulation of collateral.