Next day Parcel Delivery and Courier Services: Shipments are collected and delivered to any location in the UK within one business day's time.
You construct the feed using the Atom feed library from the collected data, and the same is delivered to the feed reader.
Article 209. All the illegitimate incomes and fines lawfully confiscated and collected from issuing and trading securities against the law shall be delivered to the national Treasury.
People were grateful that she came. She collected grocery lists and words of gratitude. My mom delivered food and other needed supplies. She even shoveled a few driveways!
It was a depot, where the alcohol from all points of Berlin had been delivered and collected.
The service collected blood from donors and delivered it to hospitals and to soldiers at the battlefront.
The therapeutic stem cells were collected and isolated from the umbilical blood of fetal delivered by normal or uterine-incision woman.
Donated cord blood for transplants is collected from the umbilical cord and placenta after a baby is delivered.
Article 209. All the illegitimate incomes and fines lawful ly confiscated and collected from issuing and trading securities against the law shall be delivered to the national Treasury.
Article 209. All the illegitimate incomes and fines lawful ly confiscated and collected from issuing and trading securities against the law shall be delivered to the national Treasury.