Like unicorns and an NFL collective bargaining agreement, they don't exist.
Because the union disbanded, a new collective bargaining agreement can only be completed once the union has reformed.
The owners' collective bargaining agreement with the player is set to expire after the season which kicks off tonight.
The lockout will continue until a new collective bargaining agreement is reached with the National Basketball Players Association.
But he also acknowledged that since the new collective bargaining agreement has not been determined, he can not determine his own future.
NBA owners are bracing for a battle with players over their collective bargaining agreement, which expires after this season and a lockout is a strong possibility.
"The expiring collective bargaining agreement created a broken system that produced huge financial losses for our teams, " said NBA Deputy Commissioner Adam Silver.
NBA副总裁阿达姆-席尔瓦说道,“ 刚刚到期的劳资协议并不是一套双赢的体系,那个协议导致我们的球队蒙受了巨额的财政损失。
Salary Cap: Common term for Maximum Team Salary, the maximum amount each team may pay in salaries during an NBA season, as per teams of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
工资上限(salary gap):常见的球队工资上限——即在NBA赛季时每支球队的最大工资总额。像每支球队的工资条款中所列明的一样。
Veteran free agent: A player who completes his contractual obligation to his team and becomes free to sign with any NBA team, as per terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Owners locked out the players July 1 and the sides spent most of the summer and fall battling over the division of revenues and other changes owners wanted in a new collective bargaining agreement.
So the owners of the National Basketball Association (NBA) locked out their players after the two sides failed to reach a new collective-bargaining agreement.
Article 38 Where an agreement is reached through the collective bargaining, such agreement constitutes the draft of the collective contract.
Article 38 Where an agreement is reached through the collective bargaining, such agreement constitutes the draft of the collective contract.